Introduction Social justice is based on ‘parity of participation’ (Fraser 2006, p16). It aims to challenge inequalities that society creates such as ‘race’, disability, socio-economic status, sexuality and gender to…
Introduction Social justice is based on ‘parity of participation’ (Fraser 2006, p16). It aims to challenge inequalities that society creates such as ‘race’, disability, socio-economic status, sexuality and gender to…
Abstract The law surrounding murder appears to be more favourable to men than women because of limited defences that are available. The provocation defence has been criticised for some time…
Introduction The discussion of the youth justice policy in Britain has re-gained importance in the aftermath of the August 2011 riots, which spread across London and other major cities in…
Introduction The aim behind this essay is to ascertain the stance adopted by the UK in terms of how governmental and judiciary authorities deal with the problem of juvenile crime….
Introduction The right to take collective action is a fundamental human right of a worker under European Union (EU) law. Individuals are thus provided with the right to take collective…
Abstract Restorative justice describes various processes designed to correct the harm that the criminal inflicts on it’s victims and communities (Braithwaite,1999). It requires all parties; victims, offenders and communities, to…
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