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How Do I See Myself 10 Years from Now

As I reflect upon my personal and professional life, I can proudly tell you that my resume is filled with many of my accomplishments of the past ten years. For…

How Multicompanies Changes Our Lives

In most countries multinational companies and their products are becoming more and more important. This trend is seriously damaging our quality of life.Globalization in our industrial world become more important…

How to Waste 1,000 Dollars

Wasting money is not difficult than saving it, especially if the amount is 1,000 dollars. People don’t have to reach high school or a college graduate to learn how to…

How to Increase Gross Profits

One of the most important things to do in business is to make money. The point of risking yourself financially is to make money on your investment. It is your…

How Do I Learn English

My full name is Bagas Wiku Gunadi, I live in Indonesia and Indonesia is my native language, I am a student, I learned English very well , Why must I…

How to Have a Healthy and Beautiful Skin

Skin is an important part of our body which protects against heat, sunlight, injury and an infection. Also, it is one of the first things that a person looks at…

How My Brother Leon Brought Home a Wife

Phloem tissue consists of: conducting cells, generally called sieve elements; parenchyma cells, including both specialized companion cells or albuminous cells and unspecialized cells; and supportive cells, such as fibresand sclereids).Conducting…

How Is Lonliness Presnted in of Mice and Men

The book ‘Of Mice and Men’, written by John Steinbeck is set in the 1930’s America. This was the time of the great depression, segregation, racism and sexism. In the…

What Is a Great Leader and How to Be a Leader

In recent years, leadership has become an increasingly important quality when assessing an employee in job interviews. Thus, more and more people, including me, begin to wonder what leadership is…

How to Breed Betta Fish

Betta fish is not like breeding Cichlids or goldfish. They need more specific requirements e.g. Water conditions, heating, tank plants or ornaments. I am sharing this information of my experience…

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