
Sermon: Does God Test Us

In the introduction, the speaker was able to convey very effectively the whole theme of his sermon. He used a true-to-life illustration of 29 year old cult leader, Jacques Robidoux,…

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My very first stumble across the other side of Energy that does not openly showcase any of its finer qualities, that you may be aware of, did not expose me…

Reasons to Be Thankful

Have you ever heard someone say that they have no reason to be thankful? I was talking with a woman who was complaining on and on about everything you could…

Their Eyes Are Watching God

Words, one of the world’s most powerful weapons; depending on how you use them. The way words are used in speech can effect your life, for the best or the…

Great Gatsby God Symbolism

I. IntroductionA. The Great Gatsby B. Francis Scott Fitzgerald C. “God knows what you’ve been doing, everything you’ve been doing. You may fool me, but you cannot fool God!” –…

Pascal’s Wager

In his infamous “Wager” argument, Pascal argues that we have no way of knowing whether God exists and, as such, we should play it safe and believe in God rather…

Hindu God and Godesses

• Annapurna is the Hindu goddess of food and cooking. Annapurna is empowered with the ability to supply food to an unlimited amount of people. Annapurna is an incarnation of…

Is an Omnipotent God a Coherent Idea

The idea of God being omnipotent is a central, or vital, part of the core beliefs of the main monotheistic religions of the world today: Christianity, Islam and Judaism. Contemporary…

The Screwtape Letters

I have chosen the aspect of distraction. Towards the beginning of the book, the man, who was Wormwood’s patient, became a Christian. The idea of Christianity was still very new…

Glory be to God for dappled things

Hopkins’ sonnets typically shift from a personal, often sensual experience rooted in the physical world to moral, philosophical and theological reflections. Discuss this movement in relation to Pied Beauty. Pied…

Augustine: Free Choices of Will

St. Augustine’s On Free Choice of the Will elaborates on the relationship between God, free will, and evil. During the very beginning of Book One, he asks the question, “isn’t…

Their Eyes Were Watching God Essay

The novel Their Eyes Were Watching God written by Zora Neale Hurston follows the journey of the central character Janie Crawford. Janie spends her time in southern Florida trying to…

George W. Bush Inaugural Speech 2001

In his inaugural speech on January 20 th in 2001, President Bush reminds the American people of the rare authority in history and that they can easily affirm old traditions…

God's Love

God’s unfailing love for us is an objective fact affirmed over and over in the Scriptures. It is true whether we believe it or not. Our doubts do not destroy…

The God of Small Things

The God of Small Things – ‘A simple story set against the backdrop of social discrimination, communism and the caste system’ The story unfolds the lives of people in Kerala…

A Stich Saves Time in Nine

Mother is none but Gods love in action. Mother is the most beatiful and sweetest one onEarth because she looks with her heart ,feels with her eyes and feeds with…

Job order

Job was very prosperous and a good man as well. He had seven sons and three daughters. He habitually offered sacrifices to God as pardon for their sins. But then,…

Personal and/or Religious Experience

Personal and/or religious experience is particularly revealing for developing a fuller understanding or ourselves and/God? (35) Examine and comment on this claim with reference to the topic you have investigated?…

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