We had with us my father, mother, grandmother, and of course, myself. So we waited and waited… Then we heard a sudden beeping noise. The noise was repeatedly continuing, being,…
We had with us my father, mother, grandmother, and of course, myself. So we waited and waited… Then we heard a sudden beeping noise. The noise was repeatedly continuing, being,…
The storm I witnessed was Hurricane Sandy. When I first heard of the hurricane I thought it wouldn’t be as bad as some people were predicting, but as the storm…
Topic Sentence Topic sentence is correctly written, powerful; Introduces the topic and the controlling idea. Supporting Detail Sentence(s) Paragraph has 6 or more supporting detail sentences that are coherent and…
In today’s generation, our technology has been very advance. In the past, mobile phones are just used to communicate to anyone and anywhere. But in this present time, they are…
There are many people in this world that I could dislike easily but there’s only one in my mind, namely my ex-girlfriend, Jamila. She is very impatient, she’s has a…
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