
A Problem Exists

A common theory among many people is that if a crime is committed, punishment is deserved and that the punishment should fit the crime. What are the influencing factors when…

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Technology and Crime

Cybercrime, hacking, blackmailing, fraud, theft and extortion; these are the first few types of crimes come into my mind when we are presented with the words “technology” and “crime”. One…

Death penalty should be allowed

If a person is truly guilty of a crime worth the death penalty with solid proof then, should the punishment be executed right away with no appeals allowed. It is…

Community Policing Defined

Community policing is defined as a ” philosophy that promotes organizational strategies, which support the systematic use of partnerships and problem-solving techniques, to proactively address the immediate conditions that give…

Stop & Frisk

Police Officers work for many hours and most of those hours are stopping people on the street to see what they carry. Stop and frisk is “One of the most…

Demographics and Crime Profile

Statistical information is the most relevant tool of identifying the real causes of crime. Metropolitan areas including New York are the areas, where crime hotspots are integrally linked to social…

Death penalty for juveniles

The Supreme Court decision in Missouri v. Simmons, which effectively banned capital punishment for offenders who were under the age of eighteen, represents a typical, but erroneous view of child…

Crime in Delhi

Delhi, the capital city of India that bears the legacy of Mughal as well as British reign is blatantly termed the crime capital of India! Certainly there are adequate reasons…

Police Brutality

Police brutality has been and continues to be of major concern in society. First of all, police brutality is a term used to describe the excessive use of physical force,…

OJ Simpson: An Unfair Verdict

In 1995, OJ Simpson was tried for the murder of Nicole Brown Simpson (his ex-wife) and her friend, Ron Goldman. Surprisingly, the twelve jurors found OJ Simpson not guilty in…

The Father of Modern Criminology

The ‘father of modern criminology’1, the description given to Cesare Lombroso, has gained a considerable amount of attention during the end of the 19th century. Those before his time, such…

Diversion Programs

One of the main reason Diversion programs were created is because many people believe juveniles deserve a second chance. These programs are generally created by state legislature and signed into…

Crime report

With each passing day the crisis in Pakistan are increasing. The people of Pakistan now seem to be fed up of dealing with one problem after another. The most serious…

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