
Cable Modems: Wave of the Future? 199

CABLE MODEMS–Wave of the Future? If you think about the future, what is the first thing that comes to mind? Well, in the minds of most people the word computer…

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Internet Taxation 278

The Internet (or “Information Superhighway”) has grown quite beyond the novelty that it was once thought to have been. The Internet is no longer the playground of computer techies or…

Encryption: Who Holds the Keys? 326

Encryption: Who Holds the Keys? In an opinion that prophetically predated the computer age, Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis warned, “Ways may some day be developed by which the government,…

computer ethics and crime 591

Introduction Legality, piracy, ethics, effects, moral dilemmas, motives, age, involvement, types – encryption are all main issues in Computer Crimes in todays world. How do we determine someone fate? Computer…

The Internet 937

Science:Computers(:Internet) The Internet – By: Matt Garner The Internet, or ‘net, is a vast network of computers that connects many of the world’s businesses, institutions, and individuals. The Internet is…

Multimedia 938

Nic Singh December ’96 A Discussion on Multimedia Multimedia, or mixed-media, systems offer presentations that integrate effects existing in a variety of formats, including text, graphics, animation, audio, and video….

Data Compression 939

subject = Information Theory title = Data Compression papers = Data Compression- in beginners’ terms ‘Data Compression’ just sounds complicated. Don’t be afraid, compression is our good friend for many…

Java vs C++ 940

subject = Freshman title = Java vs. C++ papers = Since their inception, computers have played an increasingly important role in today’s society. Advancements in technology have enabled computers to…

Computers technology 942

English Computer Technology A computer is an electronic device that can receive a set of instructions or program and the carry out this program by performing calculations on numerical data…

Computer Aided Drafting 943

Science – Computer science Computer Aided Drafting I have chosen computer aided drafting as my career, and by the year 2000 I hope to be working as a CAD operator….

The digital world of BILL GATES 1210

NAME: _______ English 1 HON Project Due March 12, 1998 THE DIGITAL WORLD OF BILL GATES He is the richest man in the world. His former friends, who are now…

Computer History 1225

Computer History Back in ancient times people used to use there fingers to count. Ten became the basis of number systems for everybody because of 10 fingers and 10 toes….

Fuzzy Logic 1266

This was a paper on Fuzzy Logic I wrote for my Programming in C++ Intro class, I don’t think it is very good myself. You could probably use it in…

data storage 1442

Whoops, there goes another CD-ROM by Laura Tangley This article discusses the durability and longevity of some of todays modern forms of data storage. There is a big problem with…

Internet Privacy 1513

A new report was written on the privacy issue of consumer reports to large companies. This is an issue which has been debated for some time and has been the…

The History of the Internet 1517

The Internet is perhaps today’s most influential technological advance. Significant events in history contributing to the development of the Internet can be traced back to as early as 1858. As…

The History of Computers in America 1712

The History of Computers in America One of the most popular and rapidly advancing inventions of the 20th century is the computer. Computers are being integrated into every aspect of…


REVIEW OF OPERATING SYSTEMS, DOS AND WINDOWS 95 1) It is necessary to install an operating system on every microcomputer because you need user interface. 2) 5 Functions of an…


MICROPROCESSOR REVIEW 1) Define each of the following terms a) MICROPROCESSOR a A computer with its entire CPU contained on one integrated circuit. b) PIXEL a Short for picture element….

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