Indian culture advocates global health via yoga, but does not produce gold medalist at the Olympic games. Yoga is not a fitness programmer, it derives from the Sanskrit and meaner "union".

Indian philosophy renders it as mimosa (liberation or salvation) and union with God. Hath yoga is one of many forms of yoga taught by Indian sages to obtain salvation. Westerners have corrupted it to gain physical fitness. How is it possible that physical exercises are linked to spirituality and salvation.The Basic Human Problem Is it moral, metaphysical or biological? To Materialists, the problem is biological or genetic and one day perhaps scientists will engineer us to be, good and upright loving people.

Jewish prophets proclaimed the problem was moral and mankind are estranged sinners and need salvation back to God (includes Christians and Islam). Yoga views the problem as metaphysical. Some ancient Hindu traditions view moral weakness and failure as a serious matter, requiring ritual sacrifices for forgiveness of sins, similar to the Jewish atonement sacrifices.Some Hindu scriptural teachings on sacrifice foreshadow the teaching that Jesus was a sin sacrifice. However, Hinduism does not believe the problem is moral.

The yoga techniques were originally part of Gymkhanas philosophy which is dualistic: pursues (soul) and priority (physical nature). The pursues is pure but the priority is evil, with the soul being entangled with the physical body. Yoga was developed to untangle the two, as the body was viewed as corrupting the soul. Thus yoga cannot propagate fitness in India. The philosophy has changed and now a union is sought with the soul (ATM) with God (Brahmas).Panasonic Hinduism views man as God and God as man.

ATM or inner self) This is known as non-dualism (awaited) or monism and monistic gurus teach man is Infinite Consciousness or God and has forgotten how to act like deity, and will keep on re-incarnating until he reaches the Infinite Impersonal Consciousness level. Thus they believe yoga unites the human soul with the divine soul. The material universe is viewed as a nightmare illusion (Maya) of God, but when the person awakes the world is viewed as an illusion, yoga grants enlightenment and deity so that the illusion can be perceived.Thereby an attitude of non-interest in tauter and science was evolved in India. They reject any need for repentance as they are God and incapable of breaking moral laws. To them salvation is finding your inner self and yoga is the path to experiencing a "higher state of expanded consciousness".

Hare Krishna and other sects differ and do not accept man becomes God or ever was God. To them God is Krishna and man's state is Krishna- consciousness. They believe man has to be Joined again to Krishna. Women be reborn as a male until she can find salvation (mimosa). 2.TECHNIQUES TO ALTER CONSCIOUSNESS Hath Yoga: Salvation Through Physical Exercises Chemicals cause various reactions in our bodies, and by manipulating brain have to chemistry altered states of consciousness are experienced.

The brain's chemistry can be affected by breathing or reducing oxygen intake. The brain can also be manipulated physiologically. Hath yoga consists of stretching exercises coupled with breathing exercises that cause the body to be flexible, thereby affecting the nervous system as well. It takes a long time to master and is advertised as non- religious, and many people use it as a fitness program.Gurus hope adherents will experience altered consciousness to open the person to its philosophies.

There are some gurus that teach it purely for materialistic gain. Is it correct to call something physical when it is actually spiritual. Japan Yoga: The "Mechanical Path" To Salvation Japan refers to the repetition or chanting of a mantra, which is usually the name of a god or demon. Hare Krishna is an example thereof when it chants the names of Krishna and Ram. Monistic use a symbolic name such as "mm". They use the mantra to eliminate all other stimuli and blank out the mind, inducing pure- consciousness.

When practiced for three hours plus daily the adherent is able to practice Transcendental Meditation and visualize. The, initiate, brings a gift and fee, and then, the guru and initiate worships a photo of Maharanis Mashes Yogi's guru. The teacher then invokes blessings from gods and goddesses and the initiate is given a mantra of one of the Hindu deities. The initiate then sits in a relaxed position and repeats the mantra for twenty minutes, his mind blanks out and then he transcends all thoughts and feelings and is only aware of the awareness - the transcendental state of consciousness.

After many years of practice God consciousness is achieved and unity with the universe is realized and this is classified as the "mechanical Path o God-realization" and visualized objects become reality without the use of intellect or emotions. Maharajah Yogi labeled this TM and marketed it successfully, especially to the Western world. He advocated peace, lesser crime, lower blood pressure and increased creativity and productivity. Advanced students were taught that by using mantras of demigods they would be connected to the spirit world.Sugar-Shabby Yoga: The Path of Sound and Light Many gurus acclaim God is Light and is light within us. They misuse the text the Word was with God, and the Word was God, by adding the Word is within us and the union reconciles us to the Godhead.

This type of yoga has been advocated by The Divine Light Mission and Radar Swami Satang. Sugar meaner soul and shabby meaner word or sound, thus this yoga style pertains to the union of the soul and the Word. It is also known as Name Backbit. These sects advocating Sugar-shabby keep their techniques secret, which are called Name and Updates to misinform non-initiates.

The sound refers to the "primeval sound" or "Logos: and breath control. This sect is closed to most people and is only imparted to spiritually ready persons. Initiates are taken to a closed room and the initiator imparts the Satang, Stature and vows of secrecy to the person, who bows and worships the initiator. Initiates perform a ritual to open their third eye, by moving the eyeballs upwards under closed eyes. This causes the person to see a light or psychedelic movie or vision. More advanced students see the light without manipulating the eyes.

Divine music or sound is heard by blocking the ears with the thumbs to eternal sounds. Some state they have heard some sound. The third technique is the tasting of the divine nectar and takes much practice. It involves a complicated act of swallowing the tongue and then hitting the intact point where the divine nectar is located. This supposedly refers to the living water flowing through our bodies. They further blaspheme the scriptures by declaring that this is also the bread of life bespoken by Jesus.

The student employs breathing exercises with meditation in order to hear the Word.The lotus position is employed. The Radii Swami Satang sect meditates until the soul departs from the body through the third eye via the Logos and travels up to heaven and merges with God. These adherents claim to travel to other galaxies and planets but bring no empirical proof back with them. It is all in the mind? Kindling Yoga: Salvation Through The "Serpent Power" Hinduism teaches that three centimeters above the rectum and three centimeters below the genitals at the spine's base is the triangle in which the kindling, Shasta or the 'serpent power' lies.

Allegedly it is red and white and the coil power or creative sex energy. When awakened it travels upwards through six psychic centers called chairs and gives off various psychic experiences. When the last charka called the share is reached one is enabled to perform miracles and achieve liberation. Breathing and homosexual handling of genitals are used to release candling. The gurus do most of the work with the aspirant surrendering to the guru. Guru Unmanaged has thus awakened candling in thousands of people, through secret demonic power.

Indians on the whole reject this yoga style as diabolical mysticism.Many have been left with pain, depression and insanity. This yoga did not have very good beginning for Unmanaged, he met his guru who was defecating outside and literally sitting in a pile of human excrement. Misunderstand sat on the man's lap and was initiated into a diabolic vision of demons, pain, paralysis and flames of fire, which was completed with a great light entering him. He really believed that even that foul place was god and that the guru in enlightened state was one with that pile of excrement. Thus there is no distinction between good and bad, demons and gods.

Tanta: Salvation Through Sex This is viewed as the opposite of yoga and is the way of indulgence, which sages have propagated. Rational consciousness is transcended in sexual intercourse orgasm. Tanta prolongs orgasm in order to experience God consciousness. The sect is old, caddy and sixty four titanic texts were circulating by ADDED. In the twentieth century it reached its lowest ebb and incorporated witchcraft, crudity, sex orgies, ringing blood and semen, black magic, human sacrifice and necromancers through dead and rotting bodies in cemeteries.

Tantrums were opposed by Brahmins, Christians and Muslims and they went underground. Paul aptly described them in Romans 1:24. The permissive society of the sass's revived Tanta and merged sexual permissiveness and the occult with spirituality. Tanta forms the basis of all religious forms of yoga adapted by the west.

A stone sculpture at the Citrate temple at Khartoum depicts a goddess in an act of sexual intercourse and is not viewed as pornography. Tanta assumes that sex is the root of creation and is Maya or Lila, the play of cosmic consciousness (illusory magic).The cosmos is a divine devolution, male and female manifesting as mind and matter. The sexual union is thus the point of contact with the cosmic powers. Bagman Rashness influenced western Tanta greatly in the sass's.

Tanta embraces the world and uses mantras to kill the mind. The sexual ritual in Tanta is called maintain and has two branches; white tantrums and red tantrums. Some rituals have to be learnt orally and can only be learnt with a guru's help. Through a complicated ritual a spiritual orgasm is affected and the ratters can be male or female.Psychic experience is through semen, breath and consciousness and sex can be had with any object in heaven or on earth.

Samurai's reach superciliousness by using the female kindling within them. The Sad's or holy men use various drugs to obtain psychic experiences whilst practicing yoga. They are deluded into thinking they are god. If salvation is through human effort, there are many yoga styles available. However, if salvation is through grace, no works is going to obtain it.

Yoga gives a low view of physical reality and the human body, and the uniqueness of every person.Monism does not advocate morality and is in contempt of nature. Physical fitness should be pursued because our bodies are a temple of the Holy Spirit and creation and God expects us to look after His property. We are told to be Holy as God is Holy and yoga does not advocate people to be holy. The Bible teaches that sin is the problem and salvation through Jesus Christ is the only path to righteousness and salvation.

Jesus is the only path and door to unity and reconciliation with God. CRITIQUE The work piece was very informative, but, at the same time sickened me as I read of the vile practices that are employed in yoga.I realized how many Christians have been deceived and are going straight to hell. Westerners in their desire to have perfect bodies and minds have embraced this false religion and have fallen into its trap, not releasing its dangers. The author gave a lot of new information on the subject of which I was ignorant and shook me. I thought I had adequate knowledge on this topic, but know there is still a lot to be learnt.

The writing style was smooth and no grammatical or spelling errors were detected. The author knows his subject well, but, I disagree with his suggestion that readers try the meditation methods.This is a work supposedly warning us against the dangers of yoga, and the author is encouraging readers to test some of the techniques. I strongly oppose this and I ask that the particular sentence be removed from the text book. I shudder thinking how many gullible people have tried this in ignorance.

The section on kindling yoga shows the link between homosexual, lesbianism and bi-sexualities and the serpent power. How many of the above are possessed by such demons.