As an experienced teacher, you already have lessons that work well for the age you teach and the topics you cover. To evaluate whether using the Internet will enhance your classroom practice, consider these questions: 1. Would digital images help students understand a concept or topic? For example, could they use the Web to see images of black holes in space, historic photographs, artwork, or to look at satellite imaging or MR. scans? (On some sites, "objects" can be manipulated or rotated, so students can see them from deferent angles.

Would this help students with a difficult concept? ) 2. Does the lesson require collecting and analyzing data and building databases? 3. Does the lesson refer to time-related data, such as the changing stock market, the annual rainfall of a region, or the migration of whales? 4. Can the impact of the lesson be enhanced through students communicating via email with peers in other cities, or other cultures, or through contact with "experts" in a field? 5.

Will students be asked to create and conduct surveys, make presentations, conduct in- depth research, or work In teams?Answer "yes" to any of these, and you'll want to explore how you can put the Internet to work In your classroom. Used well, the Internet is a great tool for inquiry-based learning. The Internet is particularly well- suited for: Communication and collaboration Research Real-time data collection Web publishing This clip requires the Quicklime plugging. Communication and collaboration are particularly exciting for students using the Internet. Students can set up keypads (email pen pals) to connect with peers around the country and the globe.

Students can correspond with experts in various fields via e-mail.E-mail activities are a good way to get started on the Internet, as they require minimal planning. However, be sure to contact your "experts" ahead of time to find out how long It will take them to respond. Students can also communicate in real- time through online conferencing.

For this, online chat rooms are popular with students and teachers. Audio and video conferencing using software such as Digestion (Enthrone) and CUE-Seem create even more exciting educational opportunities. These software products are reviewed in CENT Reviews of Conferencing Programs.Be sure to plan ahead for online sessions, especially if you're irking with schools In different time zones. Collaborative projects go beyond simple communication. Students might work with expedition teams, solve problems by collecting or exchanging information, and create and respond to questions.

(See Web Quests, below. ) The Web is great for research projects, as it enables students to gather detailed information that might otherwise be difficult to find. Keep in mind that searching the Web works best with upper level students, who can better evaluate the usefulness of their search results.Also, Web research Is better for individual rather than group projects, and Is easier If each student has access to a that were once impossible. They can collect scientific data updated continuously by scientists at work, thereby using the same methods as researchers and scientists, analyzing the same data and sharing their conclusions either on- or off-line. Students can conduct research using large and geographically varied samples.

They learn to analyze trends, correlations, and causality. When real-time data is used, students see the relationship between their studies and the real world. This clip requires the Quicktime plugging.Web publishing is the design and upkeep of Web pages. These days, many students know the basics of Web publishing.

As a classroom project, however, Web publishing takes time and planning. Be sure that you're quite familiar with the Internet and the online tools required to create and maintain Web pages before you begin. Also, it helps to have access to multiple computers. Check out the Web pages of other schools at Web: International School Web Site Registry (web. Cooled.

Mum. Deed/ schools. HTML) for design and layout ideas. Students are very enthusiastic about these projects, and they can be well worth the effort.