Entrepreneurship can be defined as a creative activity of an advanced economic organisation for the intent of addition or growing under status of hazard and uncertainness. So, entrepreneurship are includes invention, economic organisation growing during hazard or uncertainness. However, harmonizing to Hart, Stevenson & A ; Dial ( 1995 ) reference that 'The chase of chance without respect to resources presently controlled, but constrained by the laminitiss ' old picks and industry - related experience ' .In these basicss of entrepreneurship 's assignment, the writer will be the experient concern executive to give some advice to assist Jerry 's concern endeavor. Besides that, in this assignment, it contains 4 undertakings. In undertaking 1, the writer will reexamine the public presentation of Jerry 's concern.
In tasks 2, the writer will assist Jerry to happen out the company 's strength and failings.However, in undertaking 3, the writer will follow the analysis of the company 's strengths and failings, urge a program of action that will capitalize on the company 's strengths and get the better of its failings. At last, task 4 is Jerry has bought the writer a one - hebdomad, return ticket to his vacation place in Penang. Besides that, the writer needs to assist him look into ways in which the concern bing public presentation could be maintained and strengthened.
What is concern public presentation?
Business public presentation is average that the capableness of that company. In this concern public presentation, it will demo that the concern can gain how many net incomes and it will besides demo that how the concern grows and maintain from the twenty-four hours that concern started.2.1 The concern public presentation of Jerry Electronic Company
After alumnus, Jerry had started a new concern endeavor and name it 's as Jerry Electronic Company.Jerry Electronic Company is one of the local makers of electronic merchandise for the consumer and this company already get down up concern in three twelvemonth ago but it is a new electronic company comparison to other celebrated electronic company like Samsung, Sony and LG. Jerry Electronic Company is focused on electronic merchandise, the merchandise that they manufacture have telecasting, projector, place sound, place picture, storage media, place theater system, digital camera and computing machine.In this instance, the writer was reexamine the public presentation of Jerry Electronic Company. In twelvemonth 2012, the entire net income that Jerry Electronic Company earns is RM 6.5 billion.
Compare this information to the old twelvemonth, the entire net income that Jerry Electronic Company earn have decrease 7.5 % . This is because, they lack of new merchandise to launches in twelvemonth 2012. Besides that, the writer found that, the net income border that in Jerry Electronic Company is 0.17 % while the assets use is 0.4711 % .
2.2 Decision
In decision, the writer found that, Jerry 's company is one of the local industries of electronic merchandise and the writer has found out the public presentation of Jerry 's company.SW analysis for Jerry Electronic Company
There have many ways to analysis a concern. One of the best ways to make this is making a SW analysis that is strength and failings. In this instance, analysis of the company 's internal strength and failings should summarize the company 's ability to take advantages of or at least to get by with the environment.So, the writer will assist Jerry to place his company 's strength and failings.Below that is the strength and weaknesses analysis of Jerry Electronic Company:
3.1 Strength of Jerry Electronic Company
In Jerry 's company, the writer found that, it has a batch of strength in the company. One of the strength of Jerry 's company is Jerry Electronic Company is synonymous with technological excellence and has a rich heritage of technological endeavor.Besides that, they have making VCR, Trinitron Colour Television, compact phonograph record, magnetic recording tape and Blu Ray phonograph record used today as a medium for HD ( high-definition ) picture playback.So, it shows that, Jerry 's company able to make good quality merchandises for their clients. In Jerry 's company, all his applied scientists have learnt from the past failure and so they can bring forth and work better. Besides that, their merchandise is good known due to its HD ( high-definition ) functionality.However, in client services, Jerry 's company will supply their client latest package and hardware tools.
In this instance, it shows that, they are ever fulfilling the client outlook harmonizing to their demand or demands.
3.2 Failings of Jerry Electronic Company
On the other manus, the failings that the writer found out are the merchandise quality and map that Jerry Electronic Company produces it is lower than his rival. Besides that, Jerry 's company has to confront many rivals in this electronic industry, such as Samsung, Sony and LG. However, the cost of Jerry 's company merchandise is higher than its rivals and it besides affect Jerry 's company losing market portion to industries.In add-on, insides the company, the functional section are non communicate with other sections and this will do their productiveness has to decreased. In the company besides, they has no sense of way and is non being managed decently. Some more, they lack of new merchandise to launches and this cause they are difficult to vie with other rivals. At last, most of the people were defeated and no assurance to Jerry 's company merchandise because of the late release of the merchandise and their merchandise is difficult to pull client because they did n't hold do good in advertisement.
3.3 Decision
In decision, the best manner to analysis a concern is utilizing this strength and failings.Besides that, the writer is found that, it has a batch of strength and failings in Jerry Electronic Company.
4.0 Plan of action
After the writer analysis all the strength and failings in Jerry Electronic Company, the writer will urge a program of action to Jerry Electronic Company that will capitalize on the company 's strength and get the better of its failings.In this instance, the first program of action that the writer can rede to Jerry 's company is utilizing their company 's technologic cognition to better their merchandise quality and seek to develop or make new characteristic to use it in their merchandise. So, Jerry 's Company can vie with his rival. Besides that, Jerry 's company would non worry about the cost of merchandise is higher than its rival and losing market portion.This is because, the merchandises quality and map have improved and it is deserving to the client although the merchandise monetary value is high. This is one of the ways that can assist Jerry Electronic Company capitalise on the strength and get the better of the failings.However, the other manner that the can assist Jerry 's company to capitalize the company 's strength and get the better of its failings is they can better their client service and do good relationship with their client. In the same clip, they can utilize client service to publicizing their new launches merchandise to their client. In this instance, Jerry 's company can set the new launches merchandise in their store to demo their client and Lashkar-e-Taiba they seek it.
This is one of the best ways to publicizing their new launches merchandise and it can assist Jerry 's company salvage the advertizement cost.Besides that, they can inquire the client to give a feedback when they try the new merchandise. So, Jerry 's company can convey all these feedback and sum up it to allow their applied scientist know where they can better. In the terminal, they non merely can bring forth the high quality merchandise to fulfill client but besides can pull more client to cognize their merchandise.At last, by utilizing the client service to publicizing their merchandise, they can have the feedback and all this feedback can be the subject that they can be discuss. So, in this instance, it can better the communicating between the sections.
In add-on, it besides can do they has a sense of way to pull off the clip to let go of the new merchandise. So, this can avoid that they late let go of their new merchandise to client and it will besides construct the trade name trueness and the client have more assurance to utilize the merchandise.
4.1 Decision
In decision, all of this strength in Jerry 's company can capitalize it and get the better of its failings. So, Jerry 's company can run their concern good while utilizing that writer are advise him the program of action.5.0 Ways to better the concern ' bing public presentation
Jerry has bought the writer a one - hebdomad, return ticket to his vacation place in Penang. In this instance, Jerry wants the writer to assist him look into ways in which the concern 's bing public presentation could be maintained and strengthened.The ways that can assist Jerry Electronic Company to better the concern 's bing public presentation is Jerry 's company can put in spread outing distribution web and this can allow their merchandise to go good known. Besides that, Jerry 's company can pass to a great extent on publicity and advertisement. In this instance, the publicity should be focused non merely on informing client but besides making trade name penchant through distinction and spread outing market portion.In order to maximise the market portion, Jerry 's company must offer the merchandise extension, guarantee and services. In this instance, Jerry 's company can widen the guarantee period of their merchandise and seek to free service for their client. In add-on, Jerry 's company can use to licence their merchandise. This can be effectual because licensing can minimise his company hazard and is low cost in comparing to the monetary value of his company to bring forth and sell his merchandise or trade name.In this modern society, all the things will related to internet and technologic.
This prove state of affairs that, an effectual web site is going an built-in portion of concern today. One of the ways that can assist Jerry 's company to better is attempt to spread out his concern to the cyberspace. So, in this instance, Jerry 's company make a web site to make an online concern and service besides.
1 Decision
In decision, the writer found that, it have many ways to assist Jerry 's company to better their concern. In this instance, it shows that, if the concern endeavor did n't alter the manner that they run concern, it will hard to vie with others rival.6.0 Conclusion and Recommendation
In decision, the reappraisal of public presentation is help Jerry 's company to cognize where the place that they stand and the fiscal system is good a non. Besides that, the strength and failings contain in Jerry 's company is really of import for they to cognize how to better his concern.At last, it has many ways to assist his company to growing their concern.