What is Gary Kaplan trying to achieve at Virginia Mason? Gary Kaplan Is trying to achieve a system at Virginia Mason that Is profitable while delivering the highest quality of results. 2. Why Is there a need to change at Valhalla Mason? There is a need to change at Virginia Mason because the organization has been losing money over the last couple of years, there is fierce corporation and company morale is low.
3. What was the goal of the offside retreat Gary organized?The goal of the offside retreat Gary organized was to bring the employees at the clinic up to speed with hat the plan was going forward: the creating of a compact with physicians 4. What does hallelujah mean? Give an example with respect to how it applies to MONET. 'Hallelujah' meaner leveling production to meet fluctuating demands without holding excess Inventory . Japanese technique of cleaving even output flow by coordinated sequencing of very small production batches throughout the manufacturing line in a lean production or just in time (KIT) system.An example with respect to how it applies to MONET is the creation of smaller batch sizes that are brought over from prep & fire assay.
5. What is mud and what are the different type listed? What 2 are missing? Mud refers to Waste'. The different types listed are: waste of overproduction, time, material, space, movement The two that are missing are: defects and over-processing (unused employee creativity) 6. What is the Toyota Production System? List the principles and tools of TIPS and describe a case where each can be used at MONET.
The Toyota Production System is the system Toyota used to eliminate waste to simultaneously increase their efficiency, productivity and decrease their costs. The principles of TIPS are as follows: Just-In-Time: produce only what and how much was needed, and only when it was added. Kodak: detect abnormalities in the production process and immediately halt work to respond to these abnormalities in real time 7. How does TIPS fit into Garry strategy? TIPS fit Into Garry strategy because it was proven to be a tactic that worked for Toyota in achieving the same goals which he desired for FMC.The goals that Toyota had while creating TIPS were very similar to those that Gary sought to have for the clinics. 8.
What was found to be the most important factor of whether or not TTS was found to be the existence of a culture which supported quality improvement work, rather than a set of specific tools. . What is the difference between a value stream map (see exhibits 2 ; 4) and a process map? Value stream maps are used to study the present state of a process. Process maps are used to prioritize various steps, eliminate the waste ; identify bottlenecks.
0. What is RIPE, what was measured in a RIPE and why were they measured? RIPE: rapid process improvement workshop They measured specific targets such as staff walking distance, inventory turns, and quality for specific tasks, such as ambulatory specialty scheduling, inpatient incomplete chart processing, or rehab medicine patient flow. These were measured n order to give a progress report. They were metrics that allowed s improved the existing standard processes and were tailored to align with organizational goals.
1. Describe how the post AS (exhibit 7) saves the person time? The Post AS saves the person time because allows for less wasted time searching. Whether it is searching for an item, or searching where to place an item, the organized layout allows for higher productivity and less wasted time. 12. What are your thoughts on the everyday lean initiative? How could you implement it in your own department? (hint: see exhibit 8) The everyday lean initiative seems to be a very helpful tool.
It combines the aspects of unused employee creativity, Job satisfaction, continuous improvement while promoting the elimination of waste. It could be implemented in the form of a simple, short employee worksheet. 13. What is the difference between a AS and a NCR? The difference is the stopping of all production until root cause is found (in the AS case). 14. What was the take home message from the Japan trip? The take home message from the Japan trip was the importance of standardization.
"If you can't measure it, you can't improve it' is the important message that was earned. 15.With the "we don't make cars, we treat patients" argument - what argument would you use to convince a physician that it should be put in place at the hospital? The argument that can be used is that the clients for each organization want to be treated in a similar fashion: High quality treatment in the shortest time frame possible, while minimizing the costs incurred to them. Both car customers and medical patients want a similar outcome when dealing with each of the companies. If implementing a variation of the TIPS system results in those three things meeting the customer needs, it is a worthwhile endeavor.