In banks for a variety of reasons.

They help bank personnel operate more efficiently and effectively. Computers are used to track certain transactions and they help process other customer information as well. Without computers, It would be very hard for a bank to offer good customer service day in and day out. Computers help a bank save time and money, and can be used as an lad to generate profits. Customer Information Banks use computers to track customer information such as name, address, and phone number, date of birth, Social Security number and place of employment.This Information Is used to stay in touch with customers and notify them of any changes In bank policy.

A customer address Is needed to send out statements on a monthly basis. A customer's account number is also stored in the computer, which gives bank employees the ability to access customer information efficiently. Products The number of products and services a customer has Is also stored In computers. Bank personnel will periodically call customers at home to offer them a product or service, such as a home equity line of credit.It helps to know which products a customer already has before any new products are offered. Without the use of computers, It would be difficult to keep track of this information.

Reports and Profits With a computer, banks can analyze aging reports and track the customers who have had checks returned due to insufficient funds. This report can be used by the sales associates to call these customers and offer them a product called overdraft protection, which prevents a customer from over drafting their account.Computers help bank personnel generate Income by targeting certain customers for sales activity. Transactions and Goals Computers help tellers keep a record of all transactions for the day.

When customers make deposits and withdrawals, cash checks, open checking accounts or apply for mortgage loans, a computer will store and track all of the Information once a teller or bank employee keys It Into the system. After tabulating all of the Information, a branch manager can print the report at the end of the day to see if the branch hits its goals and objectives.Branches have goals for lending and new accounts. Credit Applications A bank can use computers for new loan applications and credit card applications; Chew Systems verification; and opening new accounts such as checking, savings or artifice of deposit accounts. Delinquency Computers can be used to track customers who are delinquent on their loan and credit card payments. Computers can generate separate reports for customers who are 30-, 60- and 90-days delinquent on their accounts.

When a 30-day delinquency report is generated, a collection representative can contact the customer for resolution, which helps keep delinquency under control. Miscellaneous Computers can keep a record of all communications that a bank employee may have with a bank customer Including collection activity. A bank can also use a computer to e which safety deposit boxes are available and they can keep a record of customers 1 OFF Businesses today have a wide range of uses for computers.This has been a necessity for industry as a way of using their resources more efficiently, as well as a way of reaching a larger group of potential customers.

As a result, IT (Information Technology) Jobs have been flourishing for some time due to industry's reliance on computers for their daily operations. Inventory Tracking Using spreadsheets and/or databases, most businesses utilize some sort of computer-maintained inventory tracking system. Payroll From printing or depositing paychecks, to applying raises bonuses, industries have become very reliant on computerized payroll methods.Cash Registers Modern cash registers are often networked computer systems, allowing companies to maintain much more up-to-date and accurate transaction records, as well as real- time inventory tracking. Websites Most industries have been migrating towards the Internet over the past two decades, resulting in the need for websites that require not only server space, but maintenance and updates as well. Customer Databases Customer databases are used not Just to track order information for clients, but also to chronicle interactions to better serve clients in the future.

The Use of Computers in Police Departments Computers have changed the way people communicate and work. In police departments, computerized information systems have become an integral part of the war on crime. For example, the New York City Police Department has used Com Stats, a computerized crime tracking system, with success. Other police departments around the country have also adopted that integrated information and management system for policing. Communication Computers have become essential to communication within police departments.While specific technological needs vary by police department, it is now common for members of police departments to have computers located directly at their desks or workstations.

Emails, website updates, blobs and other forms of digital communication have become some of the primary forms of communication in police departments, allowing for the rapid exchange of ideas and other information that can be critical in many investigations. Research and Detective Work With access to nearly limitless stores of information online, police detectives can use Internet resources to quickly find out facts and information regarding specific cases.This might involve researching particular facts or even something as simple as looking up a street address: in both cases, police officers can use computers to make detective work more efficient. Additionally, police officers can closely monitor suspects online, something that some police officers have taken advantage of using social media sites like Faceable and Twitter.

Records and Online Databases Police organizations have also come to rely on computers as a form of record keeping ND as a means of connecting police information from one department with information from another department.Not only can police officers store records and reports in online databases, but they can also use computers and hard drives to possible, and enable giant online databases that can accurately ID suspects anywhere in the country. Police Vehicles Police departments utilize computers in police vehicles. Computers make it possible for mobile police units to look up information, run license plates and find locations while on the road.

There have been some concerns that these computers distract Alice officers on the road, and many departments are looking for more efficient computers to use in police vehicles.Security Computers have become a vital part of security operations at police departments, specifically those that also have a Jail or prison. Oftentimes, Jails are secured using a combination of manual safeguards, such as bars, keys and heavy doors, along with computer systems that control some of these safeguards. Additionally, computer systems are used in conjunction with video cameras to provide internal surveillance and to ensure the safety of prisoners and officers.