.. ions were adjusted to give higher fractions at younger ages and lower fractions at older ages. This indicates that younger individuals are more exposed to Environmental Tobacco Smoke than older adults (Bender 58-76).

During a research that I created, I asked fifty nonsmoking adults (males, females) a series of questions. The questions I asked were: When you are around second hand smoke do you notice any discomforting problems? Do you find that the problems you have due to secondhand smoke are worse in an indoor or outdoor environment? Do you try to avoid associating yourself with smokers? Why? The majority answered that second hand smoke causes their eyes to burn and they notice some discomfort in their breathing to the first question. On the second question the majority answered that second hand smoke effects them more when they are in a secluded building.On the third question they all answered that they do try to avoid smokers, but it is hard especially when the majority of people they deal with at work, or in public places smoke. In the last question the individuals I interviewed said that they do not want to die because of someone else's dirty habits.

I learned that people in some degree do understand the cautions involved with second hand smoke. Nonsmokers find it to be disturbing when a smoker feels comfortable to "light up" their cigarette without being respectful to those that do not smoke. Study's show that Environmental tobacco smoke can cause sever damage to adults, but the results to children are far more serious. Research from the American Cancer Society show's the damages to an unborn baby exposed to involuntary tobacco smoke.During pregnancy the number of heartbeats per minute in the mother increases from approximately seventy to around ninety. The rise in the number of contractions of the heart places an extra demand on the heart muscle, thereby increasing its need for oxygen.

The heart of the fetus, which starts beating approximately ten weeks after conception, also has a high rate of contraction at about one hundred and forty beats per minute. This shows that a baby requires a lot of oxygen as well. Second-hand smoke as stated in the same article can raise the number of heart beats to both the mother and the unborn child. The result to this situation puts the fetus in great danger.

The fetus could die in the mother's womb, or the unborn child could be born with serious birth conditions. For example, the newborn child could develop heart problems, asthma, allergies, reduced lung functioning, spinal meningitis, or emphysema. These problems a child could develop may only be short or a long-term problem. Other studies show that a child under the age of three could die from sudden infant death syndrome if exposed to environmental tobacco smoke for long periods of time. Sudden infant death syndrome also called crib death is a frightening condition in which apparently healthy, normal infants suddenly stop breathing and die. Although scientists have not yet been able to pinpoint the cause, they have found that a much higher percentage of babies of mothers who smoked (seventy percent) died from crib death than did babies of nonsmoking mothers (Fried 24-25).

Another research formed by the American Heart Society states that children of smoking parents are subject to an increased incidence of all types of disease.According to one major study, in their first year of life, babies of parents who smoke at home have a much higher chance of developing a lung disease, specifically bronchitis and pneumonia (an inflammation caused by bacteria, virus of the lungs, or irritation), than babies with nonsmoking parents. In comparison with older children and adults, babies have fewer defenses against substances they inhale, including pollutants and germs (Oxhorn 55-57). A recently published study in the New England Journal of Medicine showed reduced lung functioning in children whose mother smoke cigarettes. There is also evidence that once lung disease begins in childhood, it can continue and even worsen over a lifetime.

Other Scientific discoveries show that sixty-five percent of children that live with parents who smoke have chronic learning disabilities, and abnormal growth patterns. Researchers have recognized such problems as these to be a leading cause of depression amongst teens; leading to suicide (Lebowitz 171-172).In this research I have discussed the make up of environmental tobacco Smoke and the damages it can cause to non-smoking adults and children. It is clear that this deadly chemical is unhealthy to our everyday lives. Second-hand smoke is harmful to our society, and will continue to be unless we as people take a stand for our children and ourselves.

Do not let this hazardous material control your life. Avoid all types of tobacco smoke to assure a healthy life for you and your families.This is one major step in making our world a healthier place to live. Bibliography Bender, David et.

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