The sample was consisted the 139 school principals of Chromatogram city that who were selected by randomized stratified method. In order to collect the required data regarding research variables, the quality of work life questionnaire and emotional intelligence inventory were used. The collected data were analyzed by using Pearson correlation coefficient and one sample t-, with SPAS software.
On the basis of findings of the study, there was a positive correlation between quality of work life and emotional Intelligence (p< 0/000) and Its subscales namely, self awareness, self management, relation control and social awareness.Furthermore, results evident that the quality of work life of principals was high, but in ease of emotional intelligence, principals were low in compare to mean of questionnaire. Increasing emotional Intelligence Is able to provide a better work environment for principals and for this cause, the performance of them grow to be enlarged. C 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer review under responsibility of Proof. Dry.
H;seeing Soundly 12 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Keywords: Emotional Intelligence, Quality of work life, School principals.Iran 1. Introduction Generally, emotions play a significant role In Individual's lives because they are linings which enliven life, allowing us to experience the Joys and grief of our lives (Gharry ; Shari's, 2008).
Human beings has two minds, a thinking mind and a feeling one . These two minds, put together, form an individual's mental life. When the 'OFF the emotional intelligence (mind) to overcome the thinking mind. Therefore, the focus has shifted towards the role of emotional intelligence in everyday life (Extremer & Fernando, 2006).It is up to the leadership to direct the organizations to a positive direction since leadership can influence the emotions most of all.
Emotional intelligence is a kind of readiness, skill and capability which deeply affects an individual's abilities so that he She may be motivated, control his/her emotions and manage his/her relationship with others(Coleman, 1998). On the other hand, people with emotional intelligence are able to control their feelings as well as others', distinguish between the positive and negative consequences, utilize their * sated Freakish.Tell. : +98-661-620003 E-mail address: Freakish. s@lu. AC.
IR 1877-0428 0 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer review under responsibility of Proof. Dry. H;seeing Soundly DOI:10. 1016/J.
Spoor. 2012. 05. 062 32 Said Freakish / Proceeds - Social and Behavioral Sciences 46 (2012) 31 - 35 affective data in order to lead their own thoughts and activities and provide themselves with more opportunities to think and be more creative and to aim their emotions and feelings at solving their own problems (Subordinated & Hashish, 2008).
Many theorists have tried to explain the concept of emotional intelligence. Coleman, Botanists and Mckee (2006) hold that the employees of organizations, in their attempt to raise productiveness and performance, should have, in addition to chemical and professional abilities, other characteristics which put together, are called emotional intelligence, since it is these features that prompt an individual, when faced with other individuals and other situations to be conscious, serene, respectful, considerate, supportive, attentive, responsive, elucidation and receptive.He is believed that in order to overcome the incoming challenges, one should enhance the components of emotional intelligence including self awareness, self management, social awareness and relation control. Self awareness means an awareness of emotions and accepting them, introspection, impartial attitude toward one's own internal states and knowing them, an awareness of one's weaknesses and strengths and includes emotional self awareness, self- evaluation and self confidence.Self-management means self-control, management of emotions, the ability to retrieve oneself emotionally following an emotional shock, a sense of duty in one's Job, flexibility with regard to changes, and an acceptance of new ideas and opinions, and includes self control, transparency, flexibility, progress innovation, and optimism.
Relation control means that an individual accordingly adjusts his or her relations with others and it includes providing inspiration, penetration, development and growth of others as well as creating change, management of conflict, and team work.Social awareness also signifies how centeredness and organizational awareness. Consequently, in organization, emotional intelligence is closely related to such occupational variables as performance, success, motivation, quality of work life, etc. Quality of work life is the employees' reaction with regard to their Job, particularly the individual results in Job context and mental health which stress the personal results, occupational experience ND how to improve one's Job to meet individual needs (Salesman, 2003).In this regard, Greenberg and Baron (1997) believe that quality of work life is one of the elements contributing to an organization's progress providing the three factors of motivation and satisfaction, taking of responsibility and commitment to one's Job, this is achieved through creating a more human and more democratic Job atmosphere and the involvement of employees in decision making in order to improve the organization's performance.
Additionally, Newsroom and Davis (2002) hold that from he employee's point of view, quality of work life is satisfaction or lack of satisfaction of the Job environment.Marital (2003) defines quality of work life as giving the employees a chance to make a decision about the products or Job services or the most effective Job place, He states that quality of life will improve and positive feeling toward the Job and its atmosphere will increase provided that the Job is done within appropriate psychological conditions and balanced cooperation. Such positive feeling would not only meet personal needs and maintain personal and organizational goals UT also increases physical as well as mental health, loyalty, organizational efficiency and effectiveness.Quality of work life has various elements taken in to consideration by some experts, In this regard, Oasis(1998) believes that cooperation, occupational progress, solving of contradictions, organizational relations, health and hygiene, Job security, good pay, Job conceit, industrial safety and organizational identity are among the components of the employees ' quality of work life in organizational settings. So, considering what was mentioned above, this study seeks to determine he managers' emotional intelligence status and quality of work life and realize the extent to which these variables are related to each other.Considering the literature existing on the variables under study, the main goal of this study is to detect the relation between emotional intelligence and its components, namely self awareness, self-management, relation control, and social awareness, and quality of work life of school principals of Chromatogram.
Therefore, taking this goal in to consideration, the main question of this study would be as follows: Is there any significant relationship teens emotional intelligence and its components with the quality of work life of the school principals of Chromatogram? . Methodology: 2. 1. Design correlative method . Len this method, the principals' current emotional The current study is descriptive research, the researcher does not interfere with the situation, condition and variables and does not tamper with or control them; but instead he simply studies, describes and examines what ever it is. 2.
2. Sample The statistical sample of this study is 130 principals of elementary schools (34 schools), guidance schools (39 schools) and high schools (57 schools) of Chromatogram ho were selected using a cluster method of sampling.The cluster method of sampling is a technique in which individuals are divided based on their in-group characteristics into various groups and subjects are chosen appropriately from among them. In this study, the principals were rated based on their geographical locations and degrees. 2. 3.
Instruments In order to estimate the statistical sample size, Cherty and Morgan table was used. The following two questionnaires have been employed to collect the data needed to answer the question. 2. 3.
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