kobi fankulo i/6 It's began more than 20 years ago, Apple 2 , the computer of Jobs Wazniac appeared the innovations were surprising . Friendly computer with keyboard and surface that you can put a monitor above , 4K memory and dos that constant from the boot , that fixed in the memory Rom .

The most great innovation was channel Bus that every one can built for himself stuck cards , that's how began the I . B . M suitable industry . In 1981 an I . B .

M p.c appear P.C - XT c.p.

u 8088 and well based dos , disk called p.c - dos that acquired from Microsoft , with possibility to setup 2 drives , green professional monitor , superlative keyboard , possibility of enlargment the memory up to 64K , hard disk and the computer speed 4.77MH ( mega hertz ) . In 1982 came the P.C - AT with 286 cpu , 512KB memory and hard disk of 20MB in the price of 6,000 $ and 16BIT channel that have been opened to suitable copy from I . B .

M p.c to Apple 2 the prices went down . In 1986 " Compaq " company completed her 386 computer development of " Intel " company and anticipate I . B .

M in the new c.p.u adoption . In the presence of the manufacturers stood 2 possibilities to continue after I . B . M in the way of PS / 2 or to continue the independend way that " Compac " company showed .

I . B . M demended for the use rights systems , the licence payment are recoiling . Her politics conected the new meterial to OS / 2 dos .

These who didn't understood continued with I . B . M , all the rest continue with I . S . A architecture , until today I.

B . M hasn't recover from the astartegy mistakes series that brought her to be the only one p.c manufacture that not manufacated I . B . M suitable .

In the begining of the 90 " Intel " company started to supply the fourth generation with 486 c.p.u and memory of 64MB . In 1993 began the age of the 586 pentum the fifth generation of the " Intel " c.p.

u p.c . In our days the p.c including c.p.

u 486 or 586 , hard disk up to 540MB , modem and super vga monitor . P.C - ( Personal Computer ) icua aeue Rom - ( Read Only Memory ) ?eoai i?oeaa aiaa Ram - ( Read Acess Memory ) ?eoai ieueaa a?oeaa Boot - aeucai icua Dos - ( Disk Operation System )aen?e iooeu aaooia KB - ?eia aeee MB - iaa aeee Hard disk - ea?i ?uec Channel - aoe? C.P.U - 586 , 486 , 386 , 286 , 8088XT ioaa icua PS / 2 - ( Personal System )iooeu aeueu OS / 2 - ( Operator System ) iooeu aooia Architecture - aaoeeiau Keyboard - i?iau Intel - eooi aioaaei aaaai aoaii Appear - aaoeo I.B.M suitable - uaai e.a.i Manufacturer - eooi Sound blaster - eoeen ?ai Modem - iaai Bibliography the great entziclopade of u.s.a Word Count: 539