story reaching its end. The melodramatic setting it showed was also supported with Johnsys negative view together with the doctor's heavy handed verdict contradicting Sue's encouraging words and the final stride of Behrman to save Johnsy. The characteristic of each character made them instruments of the story. First off is for Sue's high spirited and an honor of valor she showed in order to bear up with Johnsy. Despite of the gloomy atmosphere Johnsy showed she gathered up the guts to remain and be with her friend.

Next is Johnsys pessimistic and Judgmental yet the urvivor of the struggles.She might be the weakest among the others but she proved that she endured up until the end. Last but not the least is Old Behrman, he was the heartfelt part of the story. As Arthur Ashe would say "True heroism is remarkably sober, very undramatic. It is not the urge to surpass all others at whatever cost, but the urge to serve others, at whatever cost.

" His life was sacrificed for the welfare of Johnsy. He knew all the way that this might be his one lost shot to draw a masterpiece so might as well take it not only for him but for others too.The quality of he story was life-giving importance that revolved around these characters because of their different point of views about devotion, friendship, cure and most especially life. Strength and weakness is a yin-yang that grows up with us. Never separated and never replaced.

In general the strength of the characters is showed by their strong belief. Sue never loose hope for the survival of Johnsy. Johnsy believed that when the last leaf falls she would go with it and for that she made herself ready and with a complete devotion about it.The doctor believed that if Johnsy would be able to think f at least positive things about her living Johnsy would be able to endure it all.

Lastly, Behrman believed in himself that by using his talent and the most important gift that God gave us he would be able to encourage the spirit and self-esteem of Johnsy. On the contrary Johnsys weakness was lack of trust and faith that affected the whole story and where transformation took place. The main attraction of transformation was Johnsys alteration of perspective. She managed to convince herself that having the desire to die is a way of making God suffer ignoring the gift of