The works presently does non follow with the DWA effluent discharge criterions. There are major challenges with regard to operation. care and some equipment position at the workss. Some of the jobs identified that are haltering the non-compliance of the concluding wastewaters are as follows: •Flow metres are non calibrated ( wrong flow readings ) and this makes it hard to optimise the works with regard to flux into different faculties. i.
e. Activated Sludge works and the trickling filter works. ” •Over aeration ( due to the outsize aerator blades ) taking topographic point in the drawn-out aeration basin doing inordinate foaming in the biological reactor and concluding subsiding armored combat vehicle. •The internal Recycle Pumps in the aeration are non Variable Speed Drives ( VSD ) as a consequences uncomplete intervention is taking topographic point in the reactor and a high current is pulled by these pumps. ”• The suction lift clarifier trash box non working ensuing in the extra scum formation on the clarifier and non-compliant of wastewater being discharged into the river.
Two of the suction lift valves ( syphons ) kept on barricading due to the high sludge concentration in the clarifier ensuing in sludge transfer to the river. ” •Three bio-filter are non-operational due to the faulty cardinal columns and constructions. •All six sludge digesters are full of grit and sand thereby cut downing the on the job volume of the digesters and the efficiency of the sludge intervention. Some of the valves at the digesters are old and faulty doing it hard to run the digesters at full capacity.•Some of the sludge drying beds are defect and need pressing fix for sludge handling intents. •There are non adequate procedure control instruments for works optimisation and control ; instruments such as Dissolved Oxygen Meter.
pH Meter ( for sludge digestion ) . Ammonia and phosphate kits. •The works does non hold a proper Cl contact chamber for effectual disinfection of the concluding wastewater. •There are presently non plenty classed operators at the works.Short term Solutions1. Procedure ImprovementThe recess works flow metres need to be calibrated or replaced in order to estimate the flow into different faculties and procedure optimisation.
The internal
recycle pumps must be converted to VSD for the effectual foods remotion in the reactor. The aerator blades in the reactor must be adjusted/replaced with right size to forestall over aeration from taking topographic point and unneeded power ingestion. The trash box in the concluding clarifier must be repaired to forestall inordinate formation of scum bed on the clarifier. The clarifier must be decommissioned ( for one twenty-four hours ) and H2O pump out to a point where handiness and fix work can be done.
All the flows to be diverted to the bio-filters during the fixs of the trash box and alteration ( if need be ) . Cardinal columns of the faulty bio-filters to be repaired/ replaced to ease the hydraulic burden on the activated works.
Process control instruments to be made available/purchased ( by Rand Water ) for effectual works control and optimisation. Chlorine contact chamber must be constructed for the effectual disinfection of the concluding wastewater. All six sludge digesters must be cleaned out. Damaged pipes and valves must be repaired for effectual sludge handling at the works. All damaged sludge drying beds must be repaired.
2. CareA scheduled preventive care for mechanical. electrical and instrumentality to implemented for the effectual operation of the works and extension of equipment life. All faulty mechanical. electrical and instrumentation equipment to be repaired by Rand Water care forces for works handiness at all times.3.
Human ResourceThere are presently non plenty classed operators at the works. This is holding a negative impact on the operation of the works. Recruitment of unemployed scientific discipline alumnuss from the Emfuleni Local Municipality to be trained and paid by Rand Water for a period of a twelvemonth. Additional six ( 6 ) general workers to help with estate care. unblocking of bio-filters. reactors and clarifier cleansing will ease the work burden on operator on responsibility.
Long term solutionFor Riestpruit WWCW to be 100 % compliant with dismissed criterions of concluding wastewater. the wastewater from the humus armored combat vehicle of the bio-filters must be farther treated in the activated sludge works for remotion of nitrates and phosphates. This can be achieved by pumping the wastewater from the humus tank/bio-filters into the anoxic zone of the activated sludge works. This will finally take into the building of the 2nd clarifier to ease the solids and hydraulic burden on the first clarifier. This recommendation is made on visible radiation that even after the Regional Scheme is in full operation. Rietspruit WWCW will be operational for at least 12 – 15 old ages.
Assessment Report – Rietspruit WWTW27-09-2009The works presently does non follow with the DWA effluent discharge criterions. There are major challenges with regard to operation. care and some equipment position at the workss. Some of the jobs identified that are haltering the non-compliance of the concluding wastewaters are as follows: •Flow metres are non calibrated ( wrong flow readings ) and this makes it hard to optimise the works with regard to flux into different faculties.
i. e. Activated Sludge works and the trickling filter works. ” •Over aeration ( due to the outsize aerator blades ) taking topographic point in the drawn-out aeration basin doing inordinate foaming in the biological reactor and concluding subsiding armored combat vehicle.•The internal Recycle Pumps in the aeration are non Variable Speed Drives ( VSD ) as a consequences uncomplete intervention is taking topographic point in the reactor and a high current is pulled by these pumps.
” • The suction lift clarifier trash box non working ensuing in the extra scum formation on the clarifier and non-compliant of wastewater being discharged into the river. Two of the suction lift valves ( syphons ) kept on barricading due to the high sludge concentration in the clarifier ensuing in sludge transfer to the river. ” •Three bio-filter are non-operational due to the faulty cardinal columns and constructions. •All six sludge digesters are full of grit and sand thereby cut downing the on the job volume of the digesters and the efficiency of the sludge intervention.
Some of the valves at the digesters are old and faulty doing it hard to run the digesters at full capacity.•Some of the sludge drying beds are defect and need pressing fix for sludge handling intents. •There are non adequate procedure control instruments for works optimisation and control ; instruments such as Dissolved Oxygen Meter. pH Meter ( for sludge digestion ) . Ammonia and phosphate kits.
•The works does non hold a proper Cl contact chamber for effectual disinfection of the concluding wastewater. •There are presently non plenty classed operators at the works.Short term Solutions
1. Procedure Improvement
The recess works flow metres need to be calibrated or replaced in order to estimate the flow into different faculties and procedure optimisation. The internal recycle pumps must be converted to VSD for the effectual foods remotion in the reactor. The aerator blades in the reactor must be adjusted/replaced with right size to forestall over aeration from taking topographic point and unneeded power ingestion.
The trash box in the concluding clarifier must be repaired to forestall inordinate formation of scum bed on the clarifier. The clarifier must be decommissioned ( for one twenty-four hours ) and H2O pump out to a point where handiness and fix work can be done.All the flows to be diverted to the bio-filters during the fixs of the trash box and alteration ( if need be ) . Cardinal columns of the faulty bio-filters to be repaired/ replaced to ease the hydraulic burden on the activated works. Process control instruments to be made available/purchased ( by Rand Water ) for effectual works control and optimisation.
Chlorine contact chamber must be constructed for the effectual disinfection of the concluding wastewater. All six sludge digesters must be cleaned out. Damaged pipes and valves must be repaired for effectual sludge handling at the works. All damaged sludge drying beds must be repaired.
2. CareA scheduled preventive care for mechanical. electrical and instrumentality to implemented for the effectual operation of the works and extension of equipment life. All faulty mechanical. electrical and instrumentation equipment to be repaired by Rand Water care forces for works handiness at all times.
3. Human ResourceThere are presently non plenty classed operators at the works. This is holding a negative impact on the operation of the works. Recruitment of unemployed scientific discipline alumnuss from the Emfuleni Local Municipality to be trained and paid by Rand Water for a period of a twelvemonth. Additional six ( 6 ) general workers to help with estate care.
unblocking of bio-filters. reactors and clarifier cleansing will ease the work burden on operator on responsibility.Long term solutionFor Riestpruit WWCW to be 100 % compliant with dismissed criterions of concluding wastewater. the wastewater from the humus armored combat vehicle of the bio-filters must be farther treated in the activated sludge works for remotion of nitrates and phosphates.
This can be achieved by pumping the wastewater from the humus tank/bio-filters into the anoxic zone of the activated sludge works. This will finally take into the building of the 2nd clarifier to ease the solids and hydraulic burden on the first clarifier. This recommendation is made on visible radiation that even after the Regional Scheme is in full operation. Rietspruit WWCW will be operational for at least 12 – 15 old ages.