With the rate of this technology advancement, I imagine the true of car technology requiring little work from the driver and the fuel systems in vehicles would be much cleaner and more efficient. In 20 years, the year would be 2033, and the car you are driving would be doing most of the work.

You would open the door of your vehicle, and sit in the driver's seat. Next, you enter in the location of your destination either verbally or through a touch screen keyboard. Then, off you go.In the years up to this technology, there will probably be obvious glitches. The first glitch being the program would not be able to account for speed zones, and the car loud go at an automatic 35 miles per hour.

The second being, the car would not account for Inclement weather situations. The third being, the mapping program would not account for construction zones. As the technology has been perfected, the car would able to get from one destination to the next with little action from the driver. As the driver, you could just sit back and relax.The technology will most likely be so advanced, it will know the exact moment when you will run out of fuel/ electricity, and it will base your trip accordingly and pull itself into the fuel station at he appropriate time.

The software updates in the computer automatically like Google Maps does in your phone today. With this technology, I assume and hope that the car Industry would advance fuel technologies and the Impact would be Incredible. The reliance on foreign OLL will decrease tremendously. With less reliance on foreign 011, I assume our country would be Involved In fewer wars with other countries.Vehicles will run on clean fuels or electricity. The technology to turn older vehicles Into bodiless engines that can be lulled by vegetable oil would be much more affordable for average Americans.

This technology was actually invented in 1912 by Rudolf Diesel, and in my opinion was halted due to wealthy oil tycoons smothering the advancement. With electric vehicles like the Chevy Volt already in production, I imagine the electric vehicle becoming more affordable and common to the average driver. The earliest electric vehicles can be traced all the way back to 1 828 by a Hungarian named Г?nosy Godlike.Another impact would most likely take place with the car insurance companies. Once the vehicle technology is proven as safe as ever, the car insurance companies would be forced to lower their rates because of customer dissatisfaction.

It would be virtually Impossible for an accident to take place because the vehicle would steer Itself, and would offer so many safety features that no crashes could occur. The computer technology would not allow vehicles to go faster than the speed limit. The The obstacles this technology may face would obviously be the oil lobbyists in Washington paying the way to squash the advancement of fuel technology.