Prove or disprove: It Is possible to have a computer with no processor. * Answer: Disapprove. Because without a processor, the BIOS can't verify itself, access and test the memory, or initialize the system buses (like the video). Notice you don't get LU for the configuration until almost the end of the POST routine. So, you'll have to install the processor, memory, and video card before you will be able to access the BIOS. Or a motherboard without a CPU Is Like a body without a brain.

2. What Is the importance of Registers in the CPU? Answer: In each register performs a specific function. Example of register. Memory Address Register (MAR).

This register holds the address of memory where CPU wants to read or write data. Second type of register Is Memory Buffer Register (MBA). This register holds the contents of data or Instruction read from, or written In memory. In other words you can say that this register is used to store data/ instruction coming from the memory or going to the memory. 3.

Did Alan Turing in collaboration with Von Neumann change the original architecture of the latter In order to make computer flexible?Relate it In complete detail. * Answer: Yes, Alan Turing and Von Neumann successfully change the original architecture in order to make computer flexible. According to them computer flexibility is defined as the ability of any major unit to be connected by a data path to any other major unit within a detail computer. Consequently, In the most flexible computer architecture, every major component, such as memory units, registers, and arithmetic and logic units, is connected to every other major component.

A measure of computer flexibility is determined from a directed graph and matrix representation of the computer's data structure. As an example of Its application, a method Is described whereby computer flexibility Information along with performance and cost Information Is shown to be useful either for improving flexibility on existing computers or allowing tradeoffs between cost and flexibility of new designs. 4. What was really the problem of the original Von Neumann Architecture? What Is the significance of using digital computer rather than analog one? * Answer: 5.Should computer architecture support interrupt all the time? If you are computer architect, should you try to build computer that can operate without Interruption and ell It? * Answer: I think No, Yes, if ever I can built that then I would be famous and become computer architect millionaire. 6.

Do you think it is possible to build wireless bus and apply it to personal computer (PC)? * Answer: No, because the purpose of buses is to reduce the number of "pathways" between the components In PC. If try to built wireless buses it can cause more traffic in communicating. 7.Explain this statement "the size of the cache should be small enough so that the overall average cost per bit is closed to that of main memory alone and large enough so that the overall average access time is close to that of the cache alone". Answer: 8. What are the differences among sequential access, direct access, and random access? * Answer: the differences among the sequential access, direct access, and 1 OFF that read their data in sequence while the Random access for primary memory (RAM) while Direct Access for secondary storage.

9. What are the differences among direct mapping, associative mapping, and Set- associative mapping? Answer: the differences among the direct mapping, associative mapping and set associative mapping are direct mapping is used by the entrap processing unit of a computer to reduce the average time to access memory while associative mapping content-addressed associative memory that assist in the mapping of virtual addresses to their corresponding real memory addresses while set associative mapping scheme combines the simplicity of direct mapping with the flexibility of associative mapping because the associative portion is limited to Just a few slots that make up a set. 0. Aside from "the circuit does not need refreshing" what are other advantage's of static RAM technology over dynamic RAM technology? Why it is called static? * Answer: The advantages of static RAM technology over dynamic RAM are a computer with static RAM holds the advantage in speed.

It is quicker than a computer with dynamic RAM. Static RAM does not use capacitors and does not need to continuously access its memory. Because there is no need to access all the information like dynamic RAM does, static RAM is much faster. 11.

Explain how Inductive Write MR. Read operates. Answer: the merged MR. Head contains an MR.

read element and an inductive transducer write element. The inductive transducer write element is capable of rating encoded bits that contain information that defines a position of the substrate. The MR. read element is capable of reading these encoded bits and generating an output signal. The output signals is processed by electronic circuitry in order to decipher the position of the moving object that is coupled with the encoder.

12. What are the advantages of glass platter disk over aluminum platter disk? Answer: the advantages of glass platter disk over aluminum platter disk are better quality, enhanced rigidity, thinner platters, and thermal constancy. 13. What was the significance of the punch card? What was the significance of the punch card? * Answer: it is a medium by which people communicate with computers in the olden days.

Computer programs are written in punched cards, input data are also written in punched cards. There was special machine called "card reader "to interpret what were in the punched cards and convert them into machine readable form. 4. What was it about the von Neumann architecture that distinguished it from its predecessors? * Answer: 15. What is it about the transistor that made it such a great improvement over the vacuum tube? * Answer: The transistor was many times smaller than the vacuum be meaning that many more they could be wired into series so that a computer with twice the computing power could be four to eight times smaller than a computer using vacuum tubes. It also made it possible handled radios and personal computers.

Hierarchy. * Answer: the seven commonly accepted layers of the computer level hierarchy: Level O / the digital logic level is where the find the physical components of the computer system. Level l/the control level is where a control unit makes sure that instruction are decoded and executed properly and that data is moving where and when it should be.

Level 2/the instruction set architecture (SIS) or machine level consist of the machine language recognized by the particular are passed through this level unmodified.Level 3 [the system software level, deals with operating system instructions. This responsible for multiprogramming, protecting memory, synchronizing processes, and various other important functions. Level 4/ the assembly language level, encompasses some type of assembly language. As previously mentioned, complied higher-level languages are first translated to assembly.

Level 5/the high-level language level consist of languages such as C,C++ , FORTRAN , lisp , Pascal and prolog. Level 6 the user is implemented and interface with each other.At this level we run programs such as word processors, graphics packages, or games. These lower levels are nearly invisible from the user level. 17. How does this arrangement help us to understand computer systems? * Answer: This arrangement would help us to understand computer system: 1 .

Know the difference between the hardware and software, 2. Know about input devices like text input devices , pointing devices , audio input devices , 3. Know the main output vices like video , images , audio , 4.Learn internal bus devices , 5.

Learn the external bus devices 6. Learn the internal and removable storage devices 7. Learn about motherboard hardware. 18. What is the mission of the IEEE? * Answer: the mission of the IEEE is to foster technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity and it will be essential to the global technical community and to technical professionals everywhere and be universally recognized for the contributions of technology and it technically professionals in improving global conditions.