What Is Electronic Communication? The term electronic communication Is defined as passing of Information from one Individual to another using computers, fax and phones. A good example of a form of electronic communication Is the use of email. Advantages and Disadvantages of Electronic Communication Electronic communication has allowed people to communicate over vast distances instantly. One of the advantages of such communication is the efficiency in which communication is enacted.

Advantages.Faster. Easier. Can do it from anywhere now In days. Cheaper. Have more Information like adding video or even live video.

Electronic communication benefits people across the world by lending to them, the privilege to share televised pictures, conversations, graphics, circuits, and Interactive software. Interaction between individuals, no longer intonate a cumbersome attitude. One of the disadvantages is the lack of personality, where some personal meanings an be lost in electronic communication.The main Issue with electronic communication Is security. Your computer can be hacked, and affected with computer virus.

This can have an adverse effect on the computer system, and the network. Another disadvantage of electronic communication is an issue related to email privacy. An email is sent in the form of data packets via computer network. These data packets have to pass through a number of routers (a computer device used for forwarding packets in the computer network) and computers, before it reaches its destination.Thus, there are chances of an individual tampering with the emails before it reaches its recipient.Related essay: “Types of Electronic Communication”