Technology Advances My report is on Computer Games and the advancements in technology. I am very intersted in this field because of the rapid change in out society that pretty much requires a person to own a computer. Whenever there is work, there must be pleasure; thus resulting in computer games.

In the beginning there were games like "Pong", single pixel tennis. On each end of the screen there were two bars and the object was to hit a square pixel back and forth in an attempt to score. These types of games were good, but as technology advanced , graphics and sound were in demand. From the ATARI came NINTENDO ( I am skipping a few minute advances in technology like the ODDESY) Then Nintendo, which dominated the market at the time, soon had competition with SEGA. Both of these systems were 16 bit.

Theses machines still weren't enough to satisfy consumers for a while so thay came out with the most significant change yet. The change from cartridges to CD's. I believe the first one to use CD technology was 3DO. The 3DO was now the item on evey childs mind. The 3DO featured stunning 3D Graphics as well as the quality sound you recieved froom AUDIO CD's.

The only reason this machine did not dominate the market was it's price tag, a whopping 300$. Alot to pay for your childs (or husbands) entertainment. The only prblem I find with sytems like the SEGA, NINTENDO, and 3DO is the lack of variety. When PC's became sensible in the home there was really no comparison exept in the price. 2,000$ for a PC or 300$ for a 3DO the difference is quite clear.

I hope that this essay has been informative.