Carols Alexandrine and Monika Miller How this motif contributes to the theme of play or to other aspects of drama contributes to the characterization of Wily Leman, and Biff Leman Wily Leman He knows that the outdoors is source of happiness, however he can't take the risk of financial instability because he is a coward. Just like when he was too scared to take a risk to go to Alaska with Ben, to search for his feather. Wily feels as if his goals must be extreme, he doesn't accept simplistic goals.He has the wrong idea of success Biff Leman Throughout act 1 we see that Biff really wants to live a life in the great outdoors, however he doesn't realize this yet. However, in the end of Act 2 he comes to a realization that it's how he really wants to spend his life.

"... L stopped in the middle of the building and I saw”the sky. I saw the things that I love in this world.

The work and the food and time to sit and smoke....

What am I doing in an office making a contemptuous, begging fool of myself, when all I want is out there, waiting for me the minute I say I know who I am!...In this Biff also realized who he is.

Knows his path unlike Wily who is lost. The theme of individual vs.. Self Biff and Wily finding themselves, but Wily never really found what he truly would be good documentary Patterns You can see that the great outdoors is where Wily wants to be, it's a place that is desired, but they don't think they can make a living there to meet Willis requirements; But it is a source of happiness Not part of the American dream Therefore the American dream is wrong Whenever Biff talks about the outdoors, he mentions it in praise and admiration.