Journal: “Sun in My Skin” Robert Johnson The poem “Sun in My Skin” is a poem that comprises of a Bahamian man who expresses a love for his Bahamian culture. He portrays what it truly means to be “Bahamian. Johnson shows love of his culture when he states “But in my brash vibrating arm the cowbell dances” Also he shows pride in our country considering the state we are in when he states “And when I go to banquets, the food don’t agree with me”.
The main focus of the poem is how the writer exquisitely expresses his way of life and how being Bahamian makes him proud. Johnson feels as though being Bahamian is not all about being rich, but to stand up rightfully as people maintaining a peaceful and tranquil Bahama land. The poem also talks about “rich and cultivated” which means Johnson feels no matter what state, race or situation our country is in, nothing makes him less of a Bahamian. I feel as though the poem is a commemoration of our culture and way of life.
How as people, we must fend for ourselves rightfully as “Bahamians”. I also feel that Johnson had a sense of excitement towards the poem; expressing himself effectively. Other significances are the sun which reflects on our beautiful Bahama land and the cowbells signify the love for our culture and the excitement it brings to the lives of many. The poem “Sun in My Skin” is one of the many poems that reflect on what it means to truly be Bahamian.