Douglass' fellow slave, Bill, joins in the beating to which Douglass is subjected. True False ________________________________________ Question 2 (True/False Worth 10 points) After beating Mr. Covey, Douglass is forced to flee for his life, and immediately goes to the North for freedom. True False ________________________________________ Question 3 (Multiple Choice Worth 10 points) Douglass decides to enter a complaint against Mr. Covey with his master, Thomas, who finally instructs him to: return to Mr. Covey to collect his belongings and wages for Master Thomas. eturn to Covey immediately, that he (Thomas) suspected he deserved the beating. stay the night at St. Michael's and then return to Mr. Covey in the morning. go to Mr. Hugh Auld's house immediately to resume his position as house servant. ________________________________________ Question 4 (Multiple Choice Worth 10 points) Sandy Jenkins gives Douglass: a medicinal herb to heal the cuts on Douglass' back and severe cracks in his feet. a talisman, an object invested with supernatural powers, to ward off any further beatings from Mr. Covey. means to pacify his appetite until dinner a gift. He was instructed by Sandy Jenkins to plant it on the edge of the farm to serve as a landmarker for freedom. ________________________________________ Question 5 (Multiple Choice Worth 10 points) Mr. Covey's character can best be described as: a violent bully who cowers when faced with firm resistance. a charming man who wrestled with the idea of of slavery in his heart. a minister-type who uses religion to justify the severe abuse of his slaves. a soft-spoken introvert who had a hard time making his slaves obey him.
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