Introduction Mapјa Institute of Technology envisions its students to engage in cutting-edge, high- impact research, and by aggressively taking on present-day global concerns. Also, the SLASH (School of Languages, Humanities and Social Sciences) creed states that every student's educability arises from his possession of an intellect that seeks the truth, and a will that pursues what is good. In this research, the team Mighty Bond seeks the truth regarding two of society most common social problems, Shyness and Social Anxiety Disorder.The general purpose is to find out what these two are about, how they are triggered, and how to overcome them. The thesis statement states that Shyness and Social Anxiety disorder share many characteristics, yet they differ in symptoms, causes and treatment.

Our team will compare and contrast the two to determine their similarities and differences. Many people get nervous or self- conscious on occasion, like when giving a speech or interviewing for a new Job. But social anxiety, or social phobia, is more than Just shyness or occasional nerves.With social anxiety disorder, the fear of embarrassment is so intense that it causes people to avoid the situations that can trigger it. But no matter how painfully shy they may be they can learn to be comfortable in social situations and reclaim their life. Social anxiety disorder involves intense fear of certain social situations especially those that are unfamiliar or in which you feel you are being watched or evaluated by others.

These social situations may be so frightening that people get anxious Just by thinking about them or go to great lengths to avoid them.While it may seem like there's thing people can do about the symptoms of social anxiety disorder or social phobia, in reality, there are many things that can help. It starts with understanding the problem. Driven by this inquiry, this research intends to help people in different walks of life to know if they are suffering from social anxiety.

The researchers are also fervent to help those who are confused whether or not they are Just shy or they have social anxiety disorder; hence this study aims to clear out the differences between shyness and social anxiety.Lastly, this research does not only intend to differ the two room each other, but also aim to let the readers experiencing the problems know how they could manage and overcome being shy or socially anxious. Specifically, this research paper aims to answer the following questions: 1. What are the similarities and differences between social anxiety and shyness? 2. What are the symptoms of social anxiety? 3.

Why is there a misinterpretation between social anxiety as shyness and vice versa? 4. What are the causes and effects of social anxiety? 5. How can an individual overcome shyness and social anxiety? Shyness & Social Anxiety By collaterally