SHC 21: Introduction to communication in health, social care or childrens or young people’s settings 1. 1. 1. Identify different reasons why people communicate. There are many reasons as to why different people communicate.

The main reason is to express needs; to share ideas and information; to reassure; to express feelings; to build relationships; socialise; to ask questions; to share experiences People communicate in order to establish and maintain relationships with others, to give and receive information and instructions, to understand and be understood, to share opinions, knowledge, feelings, emotions, to give encouragement and show others they are valued. http://cypwdiploma. com/shc-21unit-7-introduction-to-communication-in-health-social-care-or-childrens-and-young-peoples-settings/post-21. tml 1. 1. 2. Explain how effective communication affects all aspects own work. Effective is a communication which the right message is both sent and received. It is a two way process. The person communicating has to send the right message, but also needs to make sure that it is being correctly received and understood by the other person or people. Communication involves talking or verbal communication and non-talking or non-verbal communication. To communicate effectively we need to be very clear about what you are trying to say.

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Also we need to ensure the person we are talking to understands what we’re saying to them. If people are given clear information they will be more likely to understand our point of view that we want to deliver. The benefits of effective communication improve relationship with children, colleagues and parents. 1. 1. 3. Explain why it is important to observe an individual’s reactions when communicating with them. When you communicate with children or adults it is important that you take into account what each individual is feeling and what they want to say. You can do this by carefully observing a variety of reactions.

Some people are confident to express their opinions verbally however others aren’t and that’s the reason observing an individual’s reaction is. And it’s important to view reactions, because only about 70-80% of communication is verbal, meaning that we are going to be missing out on a large part of communication if we aren't paying attention to peoples facial and bodily reactions. All communication has an e? ect on the person you are communicating with. It is a two-way process called an interaction, and it is important that you watch the e? ects so that any problems can be identi? ed and dealt with.