Act 3-scene 1- During this scene, duke Frederick is looking for Orlando at
his brother Oliver's. Since he is not there, Oliver is given one year in
which to find his brother.

The duke wants him dead or alive, and until
that time, Duke Frederick seizes everything of value belonging to Oliver.Oliver is upset at this, and mentions that he never loved his brother in
his life.
Act 3-scene 2- Orlando hangs sonnets he wrote for Rosalind in the trees. As
he exits, touchstone and Corin enter and begin a verbal battle that Corin
knows he cannot win, though he tries.

Rosalind enters reading one of the
poems about her that she found in the trees. "From east to west Ind, no
jewel is like Rosalind. Her worth, being mounted on the wind, through all
the world bears rosalind. Let no fair be kept in mind, but the fair of

" Touchstone believes she composed the rhyme herself and mocks her
with a poem that, too, features every other line rhyming with Rosalind. She
argues she found the poesy in a tree, and touchstone replies that the tree
yields bad fruit. Then Celia enters the forest, dressed as Aliena, also
with a poem about Rosalind, and after being questioned, Celia reveals that
Orlando hung them. This excites Rosalind. The two hide as Orlando and
Jacques enter, Jacques telling his friend he should not be so in love.Jaques leaves, and Rosalind enters as Ganymede and begins talking to

She tells him that she can cure his lovesickness, that she has
done this before, and to do so he has to pretend she is Rosalind and come
to court her everyday. He does not want to be cured, but he agrees to begin
calling her Rosalind and visiting her cottage daily.
Act 3-scene 3: Touchstone has fallen for a woman named Audrey, a goatherd
with limited intelligence. Nonetheless, Touchstone tells the girl he
wishes to marry her. When sir Oliver Martext arrives, he wonders who will
give Audrey away Jaques comes out from his hiding place in the forest at
this time and offers to give the woman away.

He then tells Touchstone that
he should wait until they get married in a real church, and touchstone
Act 3-scene 4: Orlando did not arrive at Ganymede's cottage in the morning
like he swore to Rosalind. Rosalind wants to cry because of this. Celia
tells her "nay, certainly there is no truth to him". Orlando is living
with her father in the woods, and Rosalind says how yesterday she ran into
the duke in her disguise, and he asked her questions about her parentage.

Corin enters and asks them if they want to come see Silvius and the woman
he loves, Phoebe. Hoping take Orlando off of her mind, Rosalind agrees to
see them.
Act 3-scene 5: Silvius and Phoebe are talking in the forest, and Silvius
begs phoebe to say she loves him. Silvius professes his love for her, but
she refuses to respond that way, and instead tells him she feels no pity
for him. Rosalind, Celia, and Corin come upon them, and Rosalind begins to
insult Phoebe for the way she is treating Silvius.

Instead of becoming
angry with "Ganymede," Phoebe falls in love with him and leaves to write
him a letter that Silvius agrees to take to him/her. Silvius has no idea of
phoebe's feelings for Rosalind in her disguise
"I pray you do not fall in love with me,
For I am falser than vows made in wine:
Besides, I like you not. --If you will know my house,
'Tis at the tuft of olives here hard by. --
Will you go, sister? --Shepherd, ply her hard.

Come, sister. --Shepherdess, look on him better,
And be not proud; though all the world could see,
None could be so abused in sight as he.Come to our flock."
Rosalind as Ganymede, to Phoebe
Phoebe has fallen in love with Ganymede, and Rosalind, in order to
halt these feelings, talks down on "herself" to Phoebe. While saying that
she (as Ganymede) is "falser than vows made in wine", or words spoken while
under the influence of alcohol, Rosalind pleads for Phoebe to leave, and
even makes sure to tell her bluntly "I like you not".