According to a report on the Patrick Pretty cybercrime blog, some scammers have used the name of a popular MLM Law Firm called “Thompson Burton PLLC” to launch a follow up scam targeted at Banners Broker and Profit Clicking victims.

The scammers published a claims form that is asking for sensitive information.Attorney Kevin Thompson has published a blog post in which he is warning everyone of a bogus claim form for Banners Broker / Profit Clicking on the web. He is asking not to fill out this form as it is requesting highly sensitive information such as your user names and passwords for Payza and SolidTrustPay accounts as well as credit card information. If the form has been already filled out you should change your log in data and cancel your credit cards immediately.Follow up scams targeted at victims of popular Ponzi schemes are a common thing. Launching follow up scams has also been tried after the collapse of the Zeek Rewards Ponzi scheme.

Such follow up scams often try to gain peoples trust by claiming to be able to recover their losses either partial or in full by paying a small fee or by giving out sensitive personal information.Banners Broker is a Ponzi scheme that has collapsed earlier this year, leaving millions of peoples with a loss. The operators of the Ponzi scheme keep coming up with ridiculous excuses for delaying payments and try to keep members advertising the scheme in order to keep cashing in on innocent victims. According to reports there are investigations going on by the Canadian government.

The alleged operators of the scheme are Rajiv Dixit and Jul Josun, both known from previous Ponzi schemes, and a guy named “Chris Smith” who is acting as the public face of the “company”.