Merrier Hill Final research paper Same sex marriage has been a hot topic in the news lately, as well as in the political arena. Marriage between a man and a man or a woman and a woman are felt by many to be morally wrong, but is it really? Or do these people fear the unknown and are using morality as the excuse for their negligence of the unknown? The utilitarian follow the utilitarian moral guide lines in their beliefs utilitarian's would not be against same sex marriages. However if the Ethical egoist follows their moral guide lines then it is believed that they would be against same sex marriages.In this paper I am going to try to show you what has brought me to these beliefs and how I believe ones morals may differ in the pursuit of society happiness.

Utilitarianism is about obtaining the greatest good for the greatest number of people. With that said utilitarian's would not be against two people in love, Joining together in the sanctity of marriage. According to Webster dictionary utilitarianism is defined as: "a theory that the aim of action should be the largest possible balance of pleasure over pain, or the greatest happiness of the greatest number. Our ethic's kook Ethics Theory and Practice tenth edition (Thorium and Ackermann 2009 page 317), "the basic argument against the morality of homosexuality is that it is unnatural and perverse; that is, it goes against the laws of God, traditional family values, and the moral values of Nature. " This creates the problems of not only proving that God exists, but also for people who are nonreligious.

The problem for them is they would have to come to terms as to their faiths, and then as to their beliefs on marriage.Our ethics book goes on to say that; "An argument also used by nonreligious people is hat homosexuality is unnatural- that is, one that goes against the moral laws of nature. " (Thorium and Ackermann 2009 page 317). My experience with the few gay and lesbian couples, as well as the single gay and lesbians I am friends with; there is nothing unnatural with the love and bonds they have formed with each other.

I have also never experienced anything perverse about them either.So, I feel unless you know every gay and lesbian person how can you make such claims or even push your beliefs onto others that don't feel the same way as you do. I don't like tomatoes, so goes that mean everyone in my family can't like tomatoes either? Studies among animals in zoos and a very surprising number of them show signs or exhibit homosexual acts. Elephants, "African and Asian males will engage in same-sex bonding and mounting. Such encounters are often associated with affectionate interactions, such as kissing, trunk intertwining, and placing trunks in each other's mouths.

(Bagel, Biological Exuberance, 1999 page 427-430). I feel animals are a big part of creating the laws of nature, so if elephants are engaging in homosexual activity how is it against the laws they set? Male giraffes have been observed to engage In remarkably Nell Truculence's AT nonsexual Demeanor. Tater aggressive "necking", it is common for two male giraffes to caress and court each other, leading up to mounting and climax. Such interactions between males have been found to be more frequent than heterosexual coupling. " (CEO, "Necking" behavior in the giraffe. Journal of Zoology 1967).

Research paper Final To me giraffes go about their homosexual behavior Just as lovingly as two human adults would. "Both male and female lions have been seen to interact homosexually. Male lions pair-bond for a number of days and initiate homosexual activity with affectionate nuzzling and caressing, leading to mounting and thrusting. " (Bagel, Biological Exuberance, 1999 page 302-305).

The king of the Jungle interacts homosexually, but yet humans who have the ability to reason can get past it being gross and abnormal.People need to get over there fear of the unknown and get past what they are uncomfortable with and leave these people be. Homosexually in the wild and in everyday human life isn't unnatural or against and laws of nature. These tidies prove that.

And for all we know this has been going on since the dawn of time, so I feel its time to move past the lame excuses and let these animals and people live their lives the way they see fit. They aren't hurting anyone, leave them be. All these animals and many more, live this way in nature, then it is unseen how it can be "against" the moral laws of nature.Just like the religious pursuit of proving that there is a God there is no solid proof that laws of nature exist. Based upon the statement "utilitarianism embraces the quantity of good we produce. (Karat, What is good and why, 2007 page 12), legalizing same sex marriages and not making them immoral in the eyes of society would make a lot of people happy.

Ethical egoists are all about themselves; their actions are based on the belief that in the end their moral values are the only ones that matter.In the book "What is good and why' describes egoist as people who can " take an indirect interest in others, and promote their well being, but only to the extent that doing so is a mean toward the minimization of what is good for oneself. (Karat, 2007 page 39). It is argued that homosexuality sets a bad example for children and that it attempts to proselytize (that is, gain followers or adherents for its cause), thereby undermining our traditional family and cultural values.

" (Thorium and Ackermann 2009 page 318).It is seen why an egoist would be afraid to legalize same sex marriages and why it is easy for them to deem homosexuality as an immoral act and an abomination against god. Because of this belief about Homosexuality and that the sanity of marriage being a religious deed that is written in the bible as a bond between a man and a woman ND not for one another of the same sex, and any thing short of relations between a man and a woman will incur the wrath of God. The Egoist will believe that any act of known, or unknown vengeance, or blight is God ensuing wrath against them.To the Egoist Homosexuals are said to be "totally responsible for the AIDS (Acquired immune deficiency syndrome) crisis. " (Thorium and Ackermann 2009 page 318).

Egoist are know to be selfish people, people who won't even admit that they are egoist because they don't want people to know that the one goal they have is to make themselves nappy Ana no one else. You won't see teem out In ten cola nagging signs protesting the immorality of legalizing same sex marriages. The tunnel vision of the egoists is very much alike, and they can not think outside of the box.They believe that only what they think and know is right and nothing and no one else is. In today's society people cheat, people get divorces, people use drugs all of this is morally wrong, but we continue to allow people to get remarried after a divorce, and we as a society also help people get clean and sober. In retrospect to the AIDS problem these are other ways people can also get the disease.

AIDS is not Just from gay sex, but sex with an IV drug user, or sex with a person who has sex with an IV drug user. "Egoism says that there is only one person-oneself- who should directly help, but it can give no good reason why this should be so. (Karat, 2007 page 238). Because of this tunnel vision and the selfishness of an egoist, they will never think outside of their own comfort or belief box to allow same sex marriages to become legal or moral. In conclusion, after all my research and a lot of thought, I believe people who believe the utilitarianism theory tend to be more open and accepting people, and if el that matters to them morally is to produce the greatest amount of good then legalizing same sex marriages and not making them immoral people would be a goal that utilitarian's would stride for.

Ethical egoists on the other hand don't care if other people are happy as long as they are happy. They don't except other people who don't think like they do and don't care about others problems that don't directly affect them. So when it comes to same sex marriages utilitarianism I feel will check the facts and decide that same sex marriages could bring a lot of good and happiness to great number of people. Ethical egoist are afraid of what could happen if same sex marriages we deemed moral and made legal because of all the concern of how it would affect them and what harm to their comfort level will come of it.