
The assignment requires us to choose a subject ; place two associated equal reviewed journal articles, and do our ain comparative analysis of them in relation to the subject.The subject selected is the `` The relationship between keeping of the employee and the employee 's motive '' .

Consequently two articles were selected `` Performance and Motivation '' prepared by Alfred W. Huf III, and `` Employee keeping and turnover: Using Motivational Variables as a Panacea, '' by Michael O. Samuel and Crispen Chipunza.The writer of the first article says that this chief purpose is to look at the nexus between public presentation and motive. This article chiefly considers the employee 's position, and how they have performed in relation to betterment in the quality of their on the job life.

Most of the instances in the article demo how public presentation can be kept at a top degree, acquiring the best from each employee. Motivation ever follows the criterion of the leading, and if there is a good leading in the organisation there will be top degree motive every bit good. This article besides discusses how employees are motivated by holding `` non-cash wagess '' and / or the `` hard currency wagess '' . Importantly, it besides describes that there are contradictions in the work of a few major policy shapers such as Herzberg, Maslow, and Taylor.

The writer shows and discusses the facts sing this affair.The writers of the 2nd article - `` Employee keeping and turnover: utilizing motivational variables as a Panacea '' purpose to stress research that tells the narrative of why the people working in an administration are go forthing. It describes intrinsic and extrinsic factors that will act upon the turnover of employees in the workplace. And for this the writers have chosen a few organisations and have focused research sing this.

They have besides identified the motivational factors that affect the turnover and the keeping of staff. So this is a research based article that will steer us to see the of import factors of motive and the turnover or keeping of employees in an administration. It is frequently difficult to maintain skilled employees in an administration. We have to supply many inducements and many wagess to retain these people. So, motivational factors are the most of import factors to be considered in any sort of organisation.

In this article the writers have shown some theoretical and practical factors that influenced the turnover and keeping of employees. As it really hard for troughs to retain their skilled employees in the administration, a good program is needed which has to be worked difficult at.With this understanding we can besides place certain similarities every bit good as disparities in these two articles. This study will supply more specific analysis of them.

Comparative Analysis:

In the first article, 'Performance and Motivation ; the writer is chiefly taking to place the nexus between motive and public presentation within big organizational behaviours. He suggests that is truly indispensable to better to better motive and so cut down the turnover in the organisation.

But in the 2nd article `` Employee Retention and Turnover: Using Motivational Variables as a Panacea. '' The writers discuss the motivational factors or the variables that will maintain the workers in the administration, and confirm how of import it is to maintain the skilled workers bonded to the administration. So the two articles portion the focal point on the motive and the keeping of skilled workers.In the first article the few instance surveies which will steer us to place some factors that are of import to understand the motivational factors in an organisation are discussed. It besides describes the theoretical comparing.

The `` non-cash wagess '' can be a critical portion of employee 's motive. The writer of the first article suggests that the non-cash wagess such as flexi clip, end based inducements, and honoring the 'employee of the month ' will actuate instead more than giving an sum of money to the workers. It is besides said that pass oning this among the employees is the most of import portion of actuating them. So these sorts of 'rewards ' may take to the top acting employees staying in an organisation.

In the inducement bundles they offer the authorization can see that giving ware awards is more effectual than giving top marketer trips. In hebdomadal or monthly meetings the authorization can make up one's mind to offer such awards to the top gross revenues squads or persons as a motive maneuver. This falls into the class of motive by no-cash wagess.The writer besides identifies another critical motivational factor, i.e.

employees being asked to propose, or demonstrate, alteration that could be made to better public presentation. This is important, peculiarly if an employee is looking elsewhere for a better offer, as it gives the chance to explicate their demand to look elsewhere, and to propose what might better their immediate state of affairs. It besides gives people who are executing good the chance to negociate inducements. Within such a civilization, one in which the demand to execute good is encouraged, employees have to worry less about employees turnover.

And there is one thing that arises in the article that the relationship between employer and employee is so of import to the keeping of employees. This can be done by holding a conversation with the employee and the employer. The employer can inquire the narratives that the bad and the good state of affairs from the employees of their life. So this will make a large bond between the two parties and the employee may unable to dicker inducements after this sort of conversation.And eventually an of import motivational factor is identified in the latter portion of the article. The motivation linguistic communication used by the leader or the trough when taking to employees is one of the most powerful ways in such better motive and high work public presentation can be promote.

As we can see, the above factors can be used as motivational schemes in an administration. So, it is of import to see the other well-established factors in the 2nd article to compare the linkage between the two articles.We have found in the 2nd article that the writers province the theoretical facets of the motive. They propose that Herzberg has defined some motivational factors that can be taken into consideration. He defined the intrinsic variables as accomplishments, acknowledgments, promotions, duty, work itself and the growing of employee.

These are some of the most well-known motivational factors that can be used to retain employees.However, the article besides states that extrinsic factors besides may hold some influence on the keeping and turnover of employees. The factors we have identified in this article are: competitory wage, friendly working environment, better interpersonal relationships and, the most of import, occupation security.Harmonizing to the article the most effectual employee keeping scheme would be the combination of both intrinsic and extrinsic variables.

This article is focal points on associating the literature of motivational factors with current practical cognition, and constructs a theoretical account to depict the full narrative of why the employee, turnover and keeping happen.The 2nd article distinguished many practical factors that straight affect the motive and keeping of employees. So we can place some extrinsic and intrinsic motivational factors that influence employee turnover and keeping. The undermentioned motive variables appear to hold important influence over employee motive, keeping and the turnover every bit good.Training and developmentJob securitySense of belonging to the administrationInteresting / disputing work environmentFreedom and encouragement of advanced thoughtPerformance - based publicity instead than automatic senior status.Constructing a life-long relationshipWork liberty.



As discussed in the survey, there are many motivational factors that can be identified from the two articles.The major findings from the first article place the theoretical facets of how motive could be used to develop better public presentation in an administration. It besides specifies the motivational factors that are related to the instances explored, and this is the kernel of that survey. Some motivational factors identified in the article can be really of import to the public presentation of the workers. The chief motivational techniques discussed in this article are end inducements, flexi clip, employees of the month, ware award, top marketer tips and linguistic communication to employee.

Basically, this article gives emphasize on motivational factors for maximise the employee public presentation.The 2nd article identifies practical attacks to the development of the motive that will cut down turnover and retain the skilled workers in the organisation. Some of import factors related to growing in the administration can besides be identified in the article, factors which are required in order to retain skilled workers ; meanwhile employees can be given wider experience and offered farther preparation. In this article it becomes clear that certain motivational factors are important in act uponing the employee 's determinations.Analysis of the two articles leads to the decision that, though nearing issues of motive and keeping of employees from different waies, both agree that preparation and development, a competitory salary bundle, occupation security, work liberty and acknowledgment / wagess are the chief motivational variables that will act upon work force stableness, addition ability, higher accomplishment base, and better public presentation in the workplace.