4.3 Information technology procurement
It is amongst the chief roles of the DNI to ensure that the investment in technology helps create the maximum possible return. The mission is to deliver the appropriate technology for solving problems associated with national intelligence while ensuring that it is possible to coordinate and sponsor research activities for different capabilities. Specifically, the AT&F works as an oversight group for the selected NIP process and IC acquisition. The NIP enables the appropriate community wide perspective that are incorporated throughout for the acquisition cycle while integrating the right procurement initiatives and responding to the highest priority needs.Lastly, it is important to coordinate IC facilitates which enables the addressing and resolution of the appropriate strategic facility while ensuring the optimization of different investment decisions. These specifications are the direct responsibility of the IC CIO who is mandated in providing the right information for the Direct of National Intelligence (DNI) who is the head of the Intelligence Community (IC). Given that the DNI acts as the principle advisor the Presidents on matters of the intelligence, it is relative that the procurement of goods and service is his chief role. In relation to procurements, the following aspects are considered integration across the community, provision of the unencumbered analysis, strengthening of the collection, determining the budget that reflection the needs and priorities for procurements, revamping the security process and finally collaboration with various players within the procurement process.
4.5 IC ITE Speed
The DNI and the entire intelligence community create an IT ICTE architecture aiming at linking at least 16 notable agencies.The argument and analysis IC ITE in particular is mandated in reducing and hunting for data and speed for data. The NGIA works within enterprise architecture through following data operations. Speed is therefore an essential component that makes it easier to interrogate the data while providing servicing for conclusion faster and easier. Through various stovepiped systems, it is notable that the integration of data is viewed as a whole under the intelligence community. The big data process therefore depends on the abilities of allowing for the better questioning and the integration of data. The democratization of data removes the existing barriers and bureaucracies enabling for the creation of the environment that allows for the right access and viewing of information.
IC ITE develops a platform for the NSAG for creation of the Holcomb while providing the right conclusion for providing the right metadata level. The moving of new systems therefore provides a reliable way of working out with various data connection systems. As the operations body, IC ITE creates for collaboration for metadata level. The agencies take the right operation in approaching familiarizing staff with various systems architecture.
4.6 IC ITE Access
In relation to systems accessibility, the DNI Ethical Framework has with it Mission, Truth, Lawfulness, Integrity and Stewardship. Part of the integrity approach sees in serving the American people towards selfless dedication. The lawfulness involves the supporting and defending the constitution while ensuring that the mission privacy, civil liberties through human rights obligation. The accessibility is also enhanced through lawfulness for the civil liberties and the human rights obligations. The stewardship seeks to explore the intelligence authorities while protecting the intelligence sources methods.The appropriate channels are entitled for accountability to ourselves insights for the institutions of different people. There excellence of the information seeks to the outperforming situation for the responsibility while collaborating with the various demonstrating innovation and agility in meeting new challenges (Dni gov, 2016). Clearly, each of these intelligence measures seeks to promote openness while identifying disclosure initiatives for each financial year.
4.7 National Intelligence Challenges
The DNI provides the right public focal point for concerns for the intelligence for the presidents for testify to Congress. The policies involves statement encourage for interagency for providing the appropriate concerns and cooperation.The capabilities and the essential functions relates for the doing for little harm. The position might relate to the organizational structure. The national security space increases cooperation. The unresponsive management efforts integrated through various national capabilities and appropriate cooperation.
8 IC ITE Culture
The Director of National Intelligence has maintained unfettered culture of quality relationship with the President of the United States. A key measure of culture is integrity and efficiency. According to the mission and vision statement, other factors such as communication play an important role in improvising quality relationship between the DNI and the surrounding agencies. The DNI play a central fulcrum of communication within the various departments.4.
9 National Intelligence Trust
As a critical component to its leadership, the DNI seeks to use trust as a key ingredient in running the IC ITE. Cases where trust fails naturally lead to a possible security breach. In such a case, the Director’s mandates is naturally on the decision making process as well the quality of communication that exists between the DNI and other agencies. For instance, recently, three intelligence group, the CIA, FBI and the CIA clashed with the Trump presidency based on the allegations that Russia engineered the winning of Trump. However, the problem was resolved by the perfect communication between the two groups while ensuring that the Director related closely with the three agencies of the DNI posts.Trust played a central component in information sharing and integration.
4.10 Intelligence Data Ownership
Intelligence data is owned by the specific intelligence agencies. The DNI roles are the perfect coordination of data between the respective agencies while ensuring that each of these groups understands the vitality of intelligence data.Specifically, the ODNI is informed about the existing data tools that are related to the intelligence process. Data application tools related to Big Data generates a definite public discourse showing the ubiquity of data, the growth of data and other alternative tools. Hence, the DNI research facilities are owned by the specific agencies that help in rendering data.