But our time ended in Attached that day and I wasn't able to finish it but our teacher said that we will do it again the next day. The next day came and our teacher gave it back to us so I tried to finish it but unfortunately we didn't have enough time so our teacher Just gave it to us and let us finish it to the dorm. After our last period in the afternoon, I immediately did t so that I can finish it early. But as soon I was about to stick the paper, it all flew and my patience is starting to wore off.As time passes by, my patience is really getting low because I wasn't really expecting that making paper mosaic would be that hard so I Just continued pasting papers.

And when I was finished, I was a little bit happy of what I did. So to summarize my reactions about paper mosaic, I was like at first mayhem! ", "Wahoo" then "What!? ", "Auras! " and then finally "Success". With this kind of activity, I learned that we must be patient in everything we do 'cause no matter how big or small we are doing, success is in the end always.