University of Phoenix Material Production Patterns in Less and More Developed Countries Worksheet • Select a less developed country and a more developed country with faculty approval.

You must choose countries other than the United States and China. • Research the basic economic production patterns of the two countries you have selected and complete the chart below. • Answer the follow-up question at the end of the chart and cite your references for your country information. |Less Developed Country |More Developed Country | | |Haiti |Japan | |Geography—natural resources, and so forth |Haiti is has a cresent shape with two | | | |peninsulas which forn the Gulf of Gonave, | | | |Its natural resources consists of bauxite, | | | |manganeses, marble, coal, and limestone. | | | |The country used to be covered in tropical | | | |and semitropical rainforest in the 1400’s | | | |but has suffered from deforestation over | | | |the centuries. | |Climate—arid, tropical, and so forth | | | | |Haiti has a tropical climate with high | | | |temperatures.

The country also experiences | | | |heavy rainfall and humidity. | | |Infrastructure—paved roads, airports, and |Haiti’s infrastructure suffers from years | | |so forth |of poor maintainence and environmental | | | |damage.The country contains 2,585 miles of| | | |roads but only 628 miles are paved | | |Population distribution—urban to rural |Haiti’s population rsides more in rural | | | |areas than in urban areas. The republic of | | | |Haiti has an estimated population of | | | |8,122,000. | |Education levels—high school, college, and |The education levels of Haiti are very low | | |so forth |with a literacy rat of 53 percent. The | | | |majority of haities lioteracy rate are | | | |males.

The country has more private schools| | | |than state-funded schools. | |Heath issues—AIDS, malaria, and so forth |Before the earthquake 2010, Haiti already | | | |suffered from wide spread diseases of HIV, | | | |typhoid, and malaria. Due to low sanitation| | | |of the water supply in Haiti, the country | | | |now stuggles with wide spread diseases of | | | |cholera and typhus. | |Ethnic issues—tensions in certain areas | | | |Political structure—democracy, | | | |authoritarian, and so forth | | | |Agriculture—products and methods of farming| | | |How does geography and development dictate | | | |the methods of farming? | | |Major industries—imports and exports and | | | |trade partners | | | |Major industrial and service center | | | |locations | | | |Services available— consumer, business, and| | | |government | | | |APA references | | | Follow-up question Summarize in 150- to 200- words: What must the less developed country do to move into the ranks of the more developed country? References Aronson, J. (2011).

Haiti. Our World: Haiti, 1. www. scientificamerican. com/