Privacy - Such a Lonely Word Examining the Implications of User Privacy to Corporate Management Examining the Implications of User Privacy to Corporate Management The concept of privacy has moved more and more toward the forefront of people's minds since the attacks of September 1 lath, on the World Trade Center in New York. Privacy is not necessarily about 'hiding something but it is more of a 'liberty that many would argue is under attack by the government (Schneider, 2006).The concept of privacy is still something that can be contested in a court of law however, and as a result, user rivalry is also coming to the front of issues in the workplace. Management needs to recognize the value of privacy, and understand the consequences of abusing powers where user privacy is concerned. Like any other risk in a business, poorly managed privacy controls represent a key risk that is not necessarily technical in nature, but can be exercised over a technical medium.

Anderson (2010) states that within the digital world there are more opportunities than ever before for a breach of privacy to occur that can have significant negative implications to the future off business. Not only do managers have to concern themselves with the privacy of data involving their customers but they need to be aware of legislation and court cases involving privacy, the likes of which may require certain policies to be altered or at least reviewed to protect the organization in cases of litigation.The Center for Democracy and Technology website (2013) offers an impressive list of existing federal laws that relate to privacy. There are 24 existing federal privacy laws and more being created all the time. Aside from having to remain cognizant of regulation regarding privacy, managers should be aware of how new technologies can shape the direction of policy within their organization.

For example, social networking has become a huge way to connect people together.Policies need to be extremely specific on what is allowed in social media with regard to work, (or during work hours), and what is not. Parachutists. Org (2013) shows that social media can offer a place where a person can be fired for what they post on a site depending on the specific policies set forth by the organization and state law.

Notice the mention of STATE LAW. Yes, there are layers to the law that include mostly State and Federal law not to mention the very policies that leadership teams create to set direction within their company.As mentioned earlier, policies must be very specific if they are to hold up in court. An example illustrating this is involves the use of email. In most cases email between parties is still considered 'private' and can cost the employer punitive damages if considered in violation of the Stored Communications Act (Simon, 2009). The only to rooter the employer is to ensure that policies are specific with regard to expectation of privacy in company email and that such policies should remain in compliance with various regulatory agencies (McAllister ; Wished, 2012).

Privacy does not necessarily mean one has something to hide but it is a liberty that most all of us hold dear. In the workplace, management must consider the risks involved in controlling privacy for everyone from the top of the organization down. Privacy and the information held as private, is another form of an asset that carries with it risk of loss f privacy is violated.I-sight (2011) shows three primary reasons why management should care about data privacy as follows: * The law requires it * The company reputation is at stake because of it * Customer Satisfaction can be affected by it More even than these, user privacy is an issue in-house and management must be aware of the implications that privacy can have with regard to how it deals with its employees. Failure to recognize these facts can cause a company to be devastated by costly litigation and risk permanent tarnish of the 'name' that a company has in its immunity or in the world.This also meaner that managers should be trained and held ethically accountable with how they treat the privacy of others, and also how they discipline those who abuse privacy rights.

In the court case of McVeigh v. Navy, at the close of the proceedings the Judge in the case made the following statement: "In these days of "big brother," where through technology and otherwise the privacy interests of individuals from all walks of life are being ignored or normalized, it is imperative that statutes explicitly protecting these rights be strictly observed" (Stander, 1998).