Pop Art 1950-1960 4 Characteristics((: * Recognizable imagery, drawn from popular media and products * Usually very bright colors. * Flat imagery influenced by comic book and newspaper photographs * Characters in comic book and magazines Artists of this time * Andy Warhol Major developments of this time * Credit card (1950) * Car seat belts (1952) * Polio vaccine (1952) Abstract Expressionism 1940-1960 4 Characteristics((: * Unconventional application of paint (no recognizable subject) * Dripping, smearing, slathering, and flinging lots of paint on a canvas. Sometimes gestural “writing” loosely calligraphic manner. * Carefully filling the picture plane with zones of color that create tension Artist of this time * Jackson Polluck Major development of this time * 1st nuclear weapon built and tested in 1945 Cubism 1908-1914 4 Characteristics((: * Geometric, a supplication of figures and objects into geometrical components and plans that may or may not add up to the whole figure * Conceptual, instead of perceptual reality. * Distortion and deformation of known figures and forms in the natural world.

Passage, the overlapping and interpenetrated of planes Artist of this time * Georges Brague Major development of this time * Ford Motor Company introduces the Ford Model T. Surrealism 1920-1930 4 Characteristics((: * The exploration of the dream and unconsciousness as a valid form of reality * The incorporation of chance and spontaneity * Two stylist schools: Biomorphism and Naturalistic surrealism * The influences of revolutionary 19th century roles such as Charles Bandalice Artist of this time * Joan Miro Major development of this time Frozen food Fauvism 1905-1908 4 Characteristics((: * Explosive colors and input * Color/art generates its own artistic energy * Sketchy brunch work, and wildly arbitrary colors create a harsh and dissonant affect * Themes of modern: modern alienation Artist of this time * Matisse derain Major development of this time * Electric washing machine Impressionism 1867-1886 4 Characteristics((: * Visible brush strokes * Light colors * Composition * Broken colors Artist of this time * Edoward Manet Major development of this time * Traffic lights