Motion object 3. Unit 2 Motion - when something changes date Chapter 1 1 period Physical 2. Distance - How far an - the distance an object has been moved from one position to another. 4. Example: one car travels from one town to another that is to the east.

5. Another car travels around a track for the starting point. 6. Both cars traveled a distance of and ends up at but the first car's displacement is east while the second car's displacement is because it ended up where it started from. .

Speed - How much it takes for a change in position to occur or how Any change over time is called a f changed in position or the rate of something moves. 8. . Speed is the . 9.

Kinds of Speed - speed - the rate of motion at any given instant (speedometer) 10. Constant Speed - a speed that does not Average Speed - is the total distance traveled by total per hour) 12. Formula for speed: s - 13. Velocity - is both speed and (cruise control) 11. Of travel (miles .Like speed, velocity may Unlike speed, the velocity can change while the speed stays .

(because velocity includes both speed and direction, if either value changes, velocity will change) 14. Formula for velocity- v = 15. Terminal velocity - the highest velocity that will be reached by a 16. Momentum - A train is harder to stop than a car going at the same speed.

... Why? Train has more Momentum depends on mass and 17. Momentum Equation - p=NV Momentum (_)= mass (_)x velocity (_).

SSL unit - Gum/s 18.Law of conservation of Momentum - The total amount of momentum in a system is 19. Acceleration - the rate of change of Of change in velocity and the objects' speed remains constant, . Acceleration is both the rate of that change. So, even if an occurs if the direction changes. 20.

IF: an object travels in a straight line acceleration is Just the rate of change of The acceleration is in the same direction as the velocity (change in direction) then the object the opposite direction