The diameter of the flattened part of the sphere.

Controlled: The size of the ball, the surface area of the drop height and the material from which the sphere Is made. APPARATUS: Sphere placement, meter ruler, Fernier caliper, string, marker METHOD Make a sphere out of plasticize and measure Its size using the Fernier caliper to maintain a constant size throughout the experiment.Get a flat and smooth surface area. Use a meter ruler to measure mm above the surface area and hold the plasticize to the ruler at the mm and drop it.

Wrap a piece of string around the flattened part of he sphere and use a marker to mark off where the string stops. Measure the length of the string up to where the mark stops using a meter ruler. Divide the length of the string by 3. 14 (pi) to get the diameter. Record the drop height and the diameter of the sphere in a table.Roll the plasticize back into a sphere using the measurements from the Fernier caliper.

Measure mm above the surface area using a meter ruler and hold the plasticize to the ruler and drop it from that height. Wrap a piece of string around the flattened part of the sphere and use a marker to mark off where he string stops. Measure the length of the string up to where the mark stops using a meter ruler. Divide the length of the string by 3.

14 (pi) to get the diameter. Record the drop height and the diameter of the sphere in a table.Roll the plasticize back into a sphere using the measurements from the Fernier caliper. Measure mm above the surface area using a meter ruler and hold the plasticize to the ruler and drop it from that height. Wrap a piece of string around the flattened part of the sphere and use a marker to mark off where the string stops.

Measure the length of the string up to where the mark stops using a meter ruler. Divide the length of the string by 3. 14 (Pl) to get the diameter.Record the drop height and the diameter of the sphere In a table.The sphere that has a drop height of mm should have a larger diameter than the sphere with a drop height of mm and mm.

The results should be recorded In a table. Height Diameter The height at which the sphere plasticize is dropped and the diameter are directly proportional therefore as the height increases so should the diameter. If the sphere roped at mm has a larger diameter than the sphere dropped at mm or mm then the hypothesis is accepted.If the sphere dropped at mm has a larger diameter than the sphere dropped at mm or mm then the hypothesis is rejected. A source of error is parallax error and a precaution to take to prevent this error is to do readings more than once, record them and find the average.

Another source of error is not reading the Fernier scale on the Fernier caliper from the zero mark a precaution to take is to make sure that you start reading the Fernier scale from the zero mark.