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Who Needs Theology

Theology is defined as “any reflection on the ultimate questions of life that point toward God” (Grenz and Roger pg. 13). Theology makes up everyone’s life whether they know it…

Dalit Theology

Dalit theology is a branch of Christian theology that emerged among the Dalit caste in India in the 1980s. It shares a number of themes with liberation theology, which arose…

What Is Theology

What is theology? What does it explain if anything? According to the encyclopedia, it is related to the Greek Religion. In Christianity, the systematic study of the nature of God…

Book: Systematic Theology

The book Systematic Theology, by Louis Berkhof, is interesting because it gives the reader an in-depth understanding of theology and the various areas associated with it.He stated that the reason…

Psychology and Theology

The Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality in Christian Counseling is the thought provoking book of McMinn which was published in 1996 and includes ample guidance and inspiration for the practitioners of…

Theology of Grace

There are many different ways to interpret the theology of grace. In this paper, I will be discussing four major theologians who have the most popular insights on grace.These theologians…

Retribution Theology

God delivered the children of Israel out of the Egyptian’s abusive hands and gave them the Ten Commandments. These rules were given to live by and form an everlasting relationship…

Feminist Theology

Feminist theology is based on the idea of “not lord but brother”. Jesus Christ himself stepped outside of societies norms by befriending the outcasts of society, which included women. Women…

God the Oldest Question

This book written by author, William J. O’Malley asks the questions about God and the existence of God. O’Malley tries to show people why faith in a God is important…

Country of the One Eye God

After reading “Country of the One Eye God” by Olive Senior, I couldn’t help but think that the story sounds all too familiar with the world in which we live…

God Is a Psychological Need

In C.E.M. Joad’s essay “How Religion Arose, and Why it Flourished,” Religion is described as a “psychological need.” Joad explains that we use God as a comfort device. Religious people…

The History of Plymouth Plantation: God

The presence of God is evident in the passage from The History of Plymouth Plantation in every event significant or not. In his diary, William Bradford describes several occurrences in…

Made in the Image of God

The idea of the image of God dwells at the heart of the biblical doctrine of humanity. In that regarding to man, both male and female, in one form or…

God: Man or Myth?

The existence of man, earth and universe was no accident. It does not seem likely that such an immense creation would be for no reason. How do we really know…

How God Created the Universe

In the Old Testament various names for God are used. YHWH is the most celebrated of these; the Hebrews considered the name ineffable and, in reading, substituted the name Adonai…

Descartes Belief in God

In his groundbreaking work, Meditations on First Philosophy, the French philosopher Rene Descartes lays the groundwork for many philosophical principles by attempting to “establish a bold and lasting knowledge” (171)1.The…

Man Created God

God is a social construct created by man. In a sense, man created his own personal god. In the early human civilization, man, to explain the things that to them…

The Idea of God Is Incoherent

I will be discussing how the idea of God is incoherent due to many of his traditional attributes being mutually incoherent. God cannot possess many of his attributes together because…

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