What is your most important goal in life? Every individual has personal goals. Personal Goals depend on their value for their life.

My personal goals are lost weight, pass 302 SSL class, and become a Nutritionist. How do you know which diet is the one for you? And which weight-loss programs really work? I've been on a diet for the past two weeks. I eat very small portions, healthy foods, healthy snacks, lots of fruits, etc. I also run for about thirty minutes a day five days a week. For the first week, the weight was dropping very well as I want. I lost about 2 pounds a week so that was fine.

However, this week the weight loss abruptly stopped. In fact, I have gained a pound this week while I have not at all changed my diet. My weight loss goal is 10 pounds of which I've lost about 5 now. However, this week the weight loss abruptly stopped.

I wonder why it was happen. Next week, I would change my workout and I would run one hour a day. I would do 50-100 sit ups in the morning right after I wake up. It's not too hard to lose weight; it's hard to take the first step. The other goal that I work hard at daily is to try to do well in school. I want to pass SSL 302 class.

Be prepared, I try to come to class on time.Listen to the teacher when she is talking and explaining things. I also listen to classmates when they try answering the teacher's question. When test time comes, I would try my best to study each and every night, and review it again in the morning before the test. My Job is not to make a lot of money.

This kind of occupation does not guarantee the high salary of other Jobs. Sometime this salary is not enough for me to support my family; that is the reason why I come back to college, and try to get my degree. I would like to be able to get better Job immediately after I graduate, I want to start my career as a Nutritionist.In order to Nutritionist my goal, I will have to paying attention in class, and try to do more listening and less talking.

All of this makes a great recipe for at least a 3. 0 GAP. Right now, I am trying to focus on my English. Lately, school would start getting harder and harder to do because I do not have time. I am full time worker and also need to provide for my family.

For each of my goal I will work hard. I will not let any set back bring me down. I hope the SSL class will be the foundation of all my future classes. Two months from now I hope to have my ideal weight as I study hard to become a Nutritionist. My Goal By hangouts