Tyler Ward likes to rap and got the comment based song concept from Christina Grimmie. Exposition: At the start of the song the catchy beat of the song comes, making the viewers wanting to hear more of the song. Rising action: The funny lyrics start coming in and Tyler Ward and his crew starts doing random dances. Climax: The climax is not much of the chorus of the song but the lyrics of the song.

Resolution: There is no resolution in this song. Theme: embarrassment Primary messaging technique: The catchy beats of the song.Secondary messaging technique: The humour from the comment lyrics. Characters: All of Tyler Ward’s crew doing random embarrassing stuff.

Point of View: 3rd person; Tyler Ward is singing about events that his subscribers had gone through. Intended effect: Allows the viewers to realise that many other people have embarrassing moments and they should not let one embarrassing moment stop them from living their lives to the fullest. Hence the choice of using comments from his subscribers to make this song and the video of Tyler Ward and his crew doing embarrassing stuff but still having fun.I like the work. I like how he uses his subscribers’ comments and turn them into such a catchy song. Nowadays people like to listen to music, and making a music video that is both fun and inspiring, it appeals to everyone that enjoys music and humour.

The music video has 99,194 viewers, 5,468 likes and only 97 dislikes. Citation: Tyler Ward, 2013. My Embarrassing Moment - Comment Song #2 - A collection of my fans most embarrassing moments! [Online video] youtube. com Available from: http://www. youtube.

com/watch? v=2puTAdrQrJM [Accessed 4th May 2013]