In 1983 a researcher and professor at Harvard University named Howard Gardner proposed a new view of Intelligence that has been widely embraced since Its publication, now being incorporated in school curriculum. Howard Gardner a psychologist that defined intelligences as "the capacity to solve problems or to fashion products that are valued in one or more cultural settings. " Multiple Intelligences Is a theory developed by Howard Gardner.

He expanded the concept of human Intelligence to Include areas such as Logical-mathematical, Linguistic, BodilyKinesthesia, Musical, Spatial, Interpersonal, Interpersonal, and Naturalist. Gardner believes that children often possess a biological proclivity towards learning and problem solving in particular ways. Gardner also emphasizes the importance of the culture and environment and how they nurture a child's predisposed way of learning. Gardener's model of multiple intelligence has many implications for teaching and learning. The standard view of intelligence according to Gardner was intelligence is something that an individual possesses at birth.

The model of multiple intelligences halogens this view. According to Gardner, Intelligence entails the ability to solve problems that are consequence in a particular cultural setting or community. Gardner suggested that although individuals have a biological proclivity to solving problems in a particular way, the cultural nurture of the domain is equally Important and plays a large role In a child's proclivity towards certain Intelligences. How I would Incorporate Multiple Intelligences In my classroom.

I would structure the presentation of material in a style which is specific to student needs and meets heir Multiple Intelligences. Logical/ Mathematical Intelligences, our activity with this Intelligence would be math games, manipulative, mathematical concepts, active learning tools, and problem solving activities. Some of the activities that we work on are pattern blocks that are flat blocks that consist of yellow hexagons, orange squares, green triangles, red trapezoids, blue parallelograms, and tan rhombuses.Children use these blocks in class to practice patterns, color order, fractions and geometric shapes and their relationships. Tantrums are geometric puzzles that insists of seven geometric shapes that FLT into a square puzzle: two large triangles, one medium-sized triangle, two small triangles, a square, and a rhombus. Tantrums helps children develop spatial sense, practice design, mathematical angles, and replicate shapes.

The Multiple Intelligences that the lesson covers are Logical- Mathematical by counting blocks.Spatial by matching shapes by using tantrums, and Bodily-Kinesthesia having the students use their bodies and count ten jumping Jacks. Naturalist- Our activity for this Intelligences would be going on a nature walk and electing data such as rocks, leafs, and sucks. Bring them back to the school and they could make a collage or something from their findings.

We would also document 1 OFF activity I would set this up at a small table and put crayons, markers, paper and clue for them to work with.Some of the kids might take it to another level and do leaf rubbings. The Multiple Intelligences around this covers are Naturalist, the students would sort their items from rocks, leafs, and sticks. Bodily-Kinesthesia, the students will make a craft project from their findings from the nature walk. Interpersonal, I loud have the student's team up with a partner and talk about their finds that they found on the nature walk. Musical- The activity that we would be doing for musical would be introducing the children to new songs and also rhyming.

Musical intelligence activities provide students with the chance to learn, practice and apply music theories. Students can use musical intelligence activities to enhance their understanding of tone, rhythm, melodies and timbre. Some important musical intelligence activities include creating rhythmic patterns, humming and singing in a group, testing multiple instruments and learning the musical scale. I would have the children sit in a circle and we would all sing and rhyme together.The Multiple Intelligences around this covers are Musical, I would have the students listening to music from different historical periods. Linguistic, I would have the children listen to a story about a musicians.

Interpersonal, I would have a child pair up with a classmate and have them make a musical instrument with each other. I have learned that appropriate learning looks different for each child. It gives me permission to think outside the box and create unique learning opportunities according to each child's needs.Schools have often sought to help students develop a sense of accomplishment and self-confidence. Gardener's Theory of Multiple Intelligences provides a theoretical foundation for recognizing the different abilities and talents of students. This theory acknowledges that while all students may not be verbally or mathematically gifted, children may have an expertise in other areas, such as music, spatial relations, or interpersonal knowledge.

Approaching and assessing learning in this manner allows a wider range of students to successfully participate in classroom learning.