Howard Gardner distinguishes eight domains of ability in his theory of Multiple Intelligences (MI). Briefly discuss each of these Intelligences and explain how you will apply any four of the Intelligences to your classroom. Howard Gardner believed that Intelligence was made up of multiple components.

He distinguished between eight different types of Intelligences. And maintained that they are independent of each other. Each separate system of intelligence can interact with others to produce intelligent performance.The eight different types of intelligences are namely: Verbal-Linguistic intelligence, Logical-Mathematical intelligence, Spatial intelligence, Bodily-kinesthesia intelligence, Musical Intelligence, Interpersonal intelligence, Interpersonal intelligence and Naturalist intelligence.

Students who may not be particularly strong in one field of intelligence, may excel in another area, therefore we must never base intelligence on only one construct. Each student will have unique skills and strengths and as educators, we need to keep this in mind when drawing up lesson plans In any given subject and include may form of expression.Verbal-Linguistic students tend to be strong In areas such as reading, writing, story telling, memorizing and thinking In words. They like to read, write, talk, anything to do with the spoken word. These students will learn best through reading, hearing and seeing words, speaking, discussing, writing and debating. Logical-Mathematical students tend to be strong in areas such as math, reasoning, problem solving, logic and patterns.

They like to solve equations, problems, experimentation and work with numbers.They tend to learn well by working with efferent patterns and the relationship between patterns, classifying and categorizing things. Spatial intelligent students are strong in the reading of maps or charts, puzzles, visualization and imagery, drawings and mazes. They generally like designing, building and creating things or looking at pictures. They learn best by working with pictures and colors, using Imagination, drawing and visualization. Bodily-Checklists pupils are strong In sport, dancing, using tools, crafts and acting.

More the physical type. They like to be active, talk, touch and use body language.They tend to learn best by processing knowledge through using the body, touching and moving. Musical intelligent pupils are strong in picking up sounds, singing, composing and rhythms.

They like to play instruments, sing and listen to music. They learn best using rhythm, listening to music and singing. Interpersonal intelligent students are strong in empathy, understanding others, organizing, communicating, leading, resolving conflicts and selling. They like to be in groups and be surrounded by friends, they learn best in group work, interviewing, comparing, operating and sharing their ideas.