Multiple intelligences are very important in today's classroom. Each student will have his/her own way of learning. According to Teachers, Schools, and Society by David Miller Sadder and Karen R. Cattleman, there are nine Intelligences that were founded by Howard Garner. Howard Gardner was a Harvard psychologist who defined Intelligence as "the capacity to solve problems or to fashion products that are valued In one or more cultural settings".

These nine Intelligences are what define each person's way of learning.In the classroom, teachers must incorporate these nine efferent ways into their lessons so that the each student able to absorb the information they are being taught. The nine intelligences are as followed: logical- mathematical, linguistic, bodily kinesthesia, musical, spatial, interpersonal, interpersonal, naturalist, and a ninth possible intelligence that has yet to be named. Logical-mathematical intelligence is when one has skills that are related to solving math equations and solving logical problems, this is also known as "number/ reasoning smart".

Having Linguistic intelligence, or being "word smart", requires one o have skills with the meanings and pronunciation of the language they are using. Bodily kinesthesia Intelligence is one having the skill to use their body effectively, he/ she would be a hands-on learner, this Is also known as "body smart". With musical Intelligence, or being "music smart", one would work more efficiently with music playing; they are sensitive to the environmental sounds as well as sound in general.Spatial intelligence is visual intelligence, one would enjoy being taught through imagery such as videos, pictures, or charts; this is also known as "picture smart".

Being interpersonal smart is when one works and learns better when in a group, they understand and like to interact with other people; also known as "people smart". An interpersonal person has the knowledge of their self, he/she would be very independent and would learn from their own opinions, strengths, and weaknesses; this is known as "self-smart". A naturalist is one who Is "environment smart" and very good with nature as a whole.The ninth Intelligence Is something of an "existential Intelligence, the human Inclination to formulate fundamental questions about who e are, where we come from, why we die, and the like".

All of the Intelligences come in handy when teaching in the classroom. In order for each child to learn in my classroom, I will incorporate the nine intelligences into my lesson plans. For example, if I was teaching my third grade class their spelling words, I would use certain intelligences so that each of them would be able to comprehend.I would have them study them by looking at the words and rewriting them a certain amount of times so that they will memorize how to spell them (spatial intelligence).

I would also have my dents play the game "Sparkle" as a big group (interpersonal). In this game the students get in a circle around the classroom, and then I would announce a spelling word, such as "science". The first student would say the beginning letter (in this case "s"), the student to his/her right would say what they thought was to be the next letter On this case "c"b and so on.Once the inure word Is spelt out, a student will say "sparkle" and the student to his/her right would be eliminated from the game. If a student says the wrong letter of the word then they are also eliminated and the next efferent spelling words until all but one student is eliminated from the game; the student that is left is the winner.

This spelling game is a type of linguistic intelligence as well as interpersonal. Throughout the spelling lesson I used three intelligences to help my students learn their spelling words in various ways so that every student has a fair shot at passing the test.Another lesson I will be teaching in my third grade classroom is multiplication (logical-mathematical intelligence). I will teach multiplication by giving my students practice worksheets and charts to study (spatial intelligence). Another way for my students to memorize their multiplication tables is through song (musical intelligence). There are very many songs on websites such as Youth and various teaching websites that can help my students memorize this math.

As a sibling of third and fourth grade students, I know that children do learn a lot of lessons through song.My siblings have returned home after school and sang to me the songs they learned that helped them in certain areas of their studies. A fun game for my students to play while also learning their multiplication tables is called "all around the world". I played this game and sparkle when I was in elementary school. In "all around the world" the students interact with each in a race (interpersonal intelligence).

This race is not done physically, but mentally. My students would form a circle and I will gather my multiplication flash cards.The flash cards are out of order so that there is no assuming what the next answer is. One student will stand next to another student and I will hold up a flash card. For example, the flash card could read "2 x 4".

The first student to say the correct answer would win that race, in this situation the correct answer would be 8. The student who won would move to the next student in the circle and race against them. The student who loses will either keep his/her spot in the circle or trade with the other student so that he/she can continue in the race.Every time a student wins the mental race, they will continue to move "around the world", or in other words, the circle of students.

This game will continue until one of the students has completed going around the world; once a student has made it back to his/her original spot in the circle, that student is the winner. By doing all of these things, I will have taught my students litigation using four intelligences. Another subject students in the third grade learn about is animals. In my future classroom I will conduct a lesson on the rainforest's.

I will teach my students about the rainforest's in a few different ways using different intelligences. One way I will teach my students is by reading about the nature of rainforest's (spatial intelligence). I will also have my students build a AD model of the rainforest's and one animal of their choice (bodily kinesthesia). They will build these models in a shoe box. The models will need to include real and artificial lands (naturalistic intelligence).

The model will also include an animal that can be drawn, made of play dough, toothpicks, or any other safe substance.The students will work independently and write a paragraph telling about their AD model of the rainforest's (interpersonal intelligence). Once every student has completed their project, they will present them to the class (interpersonal). By building their own model and also listening to his/her fellow classmate's projects, my students will have learned about the rainforest's and its wonders.

In this lesson I used four intelligences. Howard Gardner found the ways that the people of the world learn.Each way is the world will all need the nine different intelligences to be presented in their learning programs so that are able to learn efficiently. Teachers of the world, including my future self, will have to incorporate these nine intelligences so that our students are able to comprehend.

This has given me a better understanding of how my future classroom needs to be. The nine intelligences are mandatory for the students learning processes, and are very helpful to the teachers on how to bring success into the classroom.