Research proposal on how to measure customer satisfaction of Home in Zagreb service Marketing research Executive summary Customer satisfaction is a major issue in almost all sectors.

This can basically determine the success and profitability of a company. The significance of customer satisfaction and customer retention in strategy development for a "market oriented" and "customer focused" firm cannot be underestimated. L This proposal examines customer satisfaction of Home in Zagreb service.It is suggested to use specially designed questionnaire and survey each customer of Home in Zagreb. In the paper here are presented advantages and drawbacks of such solution.

Background Home in Zagreb is an apartment rental company situated in Zagreb with currently 27 apartments at disposal. 2 Apartments are located in different parts of the city. Company cooperates with Zagreb School of Economics and Management. During research for secondary data, I was able to read student reports dated from 2011 about exchange experience in Croatia, where they mentioned Home in Zagreb service.From reports I learned that some customers were very satisfied with service (no specific comments) and some very unsatisfied. They complained about the fee amount, problems with Internet connection, high utilities' prices and problems with getting back the deposit.

Many people were discussing Home in Zagreb in special discuss groups on Faceable (social network) about accommodation in Zagreb. In most cases it were favorable opinions, but many people believe that the cost of service is to high.Based on personal experience, Home in Zagreb provides quality professional service to its customers. Company is flexible on time of payment, apartment was in good condition and situated in good location. When there were robbers with items in apartment, employees responded quickly.

Objectives of the study The aim of this study is to examine customer service of Home in Zagreb, satisfaction of customers and source of their knowledge about Home in Zagreb - vital for future advertising. The research questions that will be answered are as follows: 1.What is the level of customer satisfaction? 2. What is the level of service quality? Research Design In order to gather data questionnaire method will be used. Surveys are the most common form of research method for collection of primary data.

4 The respondents of he study will consist of customers of Home in Zagreb. Each one of them should be given a self-administered questionnaire to fill out. Questionnaire should be collected by employee when customer leaves apartment and returns the key. Employee should remind about survey in order to improve response ratio.

The customer should be assured that data is collected only for purposes of this survey and no private information about them will be disclosed or sold to another company. Advantages of such solution: Quick Cheap Data can be easily transferred to quantitative data If conducted correctly, it will present a useful trend line It gives opportunity to customer to vent, which can in itself boost their overall opinions of a company Disadvantages: Number of Home in Zagreb customers is relatively small. With low response ratio, survey will be vulnerable to mistakes.Sampling bias - tested subpopulation does not represent the fabric of the population as a whole. Two main types of sampling bias: Sampling error - If the sample is too small this will result in false information that does not reflect the true population Non-Representative Samples Problems of motivation - Highly satisfied customers are much more likely to respond o survey requests than merely neutral or even dissatisfied customers. 6 Rigged questionnaires Wording Biases Bogus Questions - The questions are often simply irrelevant to the customer, who may respond more or less randomly to complete the survey.

One of the most popular survey questions-?"How satisfied are you"-?has even been called the most "bogus question in the history of surveys"7 Lack of options - concerning close-ended style of questioning Question wording - Rewording questions in even subtle ways can have significant impact on the number of "favorable" or "unfavorable" responses. 8 It may occur that no meaningful information will be revealed, because of: Meaningless data Wrong conclusions To conclude, customer satisfaction is crucial for business, therefore it should be monitored thoroughly.