Verbal Model The potential consumer has the necessity of lamentation and looks for the available alternatives, becomes aware of the fast food restaurants. The subject evaluates the different restaurant alternatives in terms of the variables: quality, price, speed, variety, location, etc. Of the products and services offered and compare them with his punctual needs. Based on this evaluation and depending on the importance of this radical decision variables will form a degree of preference for the restaurant.

If this preference is strong enough, the customer will eat at that restaurant.Research Questions Component 1 Is the established market share in this study related with the determined in the exploratory secondary data research? 5 What variables impact significantly the market share of the restaurants? Explore the potential of the market and with what variables could be related. Component 2 With what could be this market frequency of use movement related? What variables impact the restaurant's frequency of use of the restaurants? Has any relationship tit healthy food consumption concerns? Explore the consumers that show indecision, with what is related?Component 3 Is there any significant difference between the demographic and cryptographic characteristics of the consumers and the restaurant chain they use frequently? What is the difference between the regular customer of Wend's, the one from the competitors and the one that's have concern about consumption of healthy food. Has any impact on the frequency of use? Component 4 Do perceptions vary depending on other variables that healthy concern? Component Do the healthy food concerns impact in the marker share? Does the quality evaluation of the restaurant be related with healthy food concerns?Do the healthy food concerns impact and the restaurant's growth/shrink? 6 Hypothesis The marker share of the fast food restaurant industry is very similar of the one obtained from the exploratory secondary data study. The relative positions in the ranking are similar. Component 2 The more often/less often frequency of patronage is related with the perception of variety of the menus, product innovation, healthy concerns and quality.

Component 3 The consumers' characteristics that tend to have concerns about more healthy foods would different from the one how not, especially in order to age, income, education, employment and family group.Component 4 Consumers differentiate the restaurant chains in relation to quality of the brand and the healthy variable could be significant for the election of the restaurant and could cause a change of brand. Component 5 Although the impact of eating healthy food is a crescent issue, at this moment the impact should bounded to a specific targeted customers. 7 Specification of information needed This is the market share according to the perception of the customers; therefore we deed preferences of eaten food from a list of the most important fast food restaurants within grades of usage.As secondary data we need the ranking of fast food restaurants.

Component 2 We need to know with this same list of restaurants to ask the change in the frequency of use in a period of time. Component 3 The consumers' cryptographic and demographic profiles and their healthy food concerns. Component 4 The consumers' perceptions related with different variables of decision for choosing a restaurant in particular and the concerns in the consumption of healthy food. Component 5Know healthy food concerns of the customers, estimation of the market share, frequency of use/consumption, evaluation of quality, estimation of grow/shrink of each restaurant. 3. - Research Design a.

- Information needs There has to be collection of specific information for studying customer demographics and awareness of different competing fast-food chains including Wendy 's; the satisfaction responses of consumers in terms of 8 family orientation, perceived quality, healthy foods concerns and the patronage preferences of customers in terms of amount and frequency of visits. B. - Data Collection of Primary SourcesThe primary source to gather the information has to be a descriptive survey method with written structured direct questionnaire with fixed-alternative questions that will require the respondent to select from a predetermined set of responses. The survey will be administered with personal in-home interviews that will allow flexibility in the design and diversity of questions.

There won't be monetary stimuli. C. - Measurement and scaling techniques To develop the survey there will be a noncompetitive scaling technique with itemized rating scale with Liker scales and semantic differential scales with some reverse score questions.The construction of the scales will be structured with different number of scale categories, with balanced scales for the favorable and unfavorable categories, odd number of categories, in some cases will use enforced answers like "prefer not to answer" or "n/a", for the nature and degree of verbal description the survey will use of verbal and numerical scale categories, finally the physical form will be with horizontal, categories with boxes and units with positive numerical values.

When asking preference statements multi-item scales will be used. For some question we will use ordinal scales for measuring demographic questions or example. . - Questionnaire develop and protesting The questionnaire will gather all the information needed defined in the Approach to the Problem. The interviewed method will be made in person, which means face to face with the respondents. A professional external firm will do the fieldwork.

The amount of questions will be no more than 25 questions to be answered in no more than one hour. The questions will be structured, with multiple-choice, dichotomous and scales options. For protesting, the questionnaire will be tested with employees of Wend's and a test sample of potential consumers. .

- Sampling techniques The elements of the Target Population are adult males of females as Elements, the Sampling units are households, the extent is the US continental territory and the time is the year 2008. As it is important to have the information of the households with a large territory, area cluster sampling technique with a two-stage sampling will be used. The sample size will be in the typical ranges between 1. 000 and 2. 500. For this case we will point a size of 1.

500. An alternative technique is to use only cluster sampling also with two-stage sampling. . - Data plan analysis For analyzing the results, a data preparation process will be used. That includes the questionnaire checking, editing and reviewing the questionnaire, coding the responses, transcribing the data obtained, data cleaning for the consistency checks and treatment of missing responses, statistically adjustment of data and selecting the data analysis strategy. For this last stage we will use a wide range of statistical techniques as: Frequency Distribution, Cross Tabulation, Hypothesis Testing, One-way Nova and Correlation and Regression.

The election will be related with the variables involved, and if we are looking for percentages or mean or statistical relevance or high level of correlation between variables. 4. - Data Analysis The data that we are going for the statistical analysis comes from the survey conducted by Wendy 's (Malaria, 2010, p. 814-820). We are going to use several statistical techniques for the approaches and the use of the IAMB SPAS software to make the analysis. A.

- Methodology Through every of the 5 Marketing Research Problem Components we will try to prove or reject their related Hypothesis.The statistical techniques that we are going to use re Frequency Distribution to analyze percentages and relative rankings and positions, Cross Tabulations when we need to study relation between variables, amounts, percentages and significance of the relations, One-way Nova when we are looking for 10 statistical significance of the influence of the independent in the dependent ones, Regression to evaluate if there is a significant statistical correlation between those variables, to find which of the several independent variables can explain variations in the dependent variables and, finally Hypothesis Testing to prove our hypothesis. . - Plan of Data Analysis As we mention in the methodology, the plan is to analyze the 5 Components of the Marketing Research Problem and test their related Hypothesis with different statistical technique; we will record the results in several schematics sheets (see appendix C) each of the applied static including: number of the marketing research problem component, method of the selected technique, assumptions, input parameters, sequence of commands, produce outputs, summary of the results, change or the adjustments needed and comments. .

- Results from the Data Analysis Remember that we are resolving the MR.: "Determine the consumers' preferences ND purchase intentions for a new Healthy Menu line to be introduced in Wendy 's restaurants". For that we have defined 5 components of this MR.. Component 1: What is the market share of the Fast Food Restaurant Industry? The Hypothesis is that the market share determined with the analysis is similar of the one obtained in the exploratory secondary data study.

For this we are going to use Frequency Distribution analysis to tabulate the variable AAA "when the last time that the customers went to each restaurant was" considering only the customers within the past 4 week of less, the other ones seem to be too far (more than 4 week to 3 months or more than 3 months ago). 11 Chart 5. 1 Percent of visiting restaurants within the past 4 weeks 278% McDonald's Subway Wend's Burger King Arab's Note: From IBM SPAS Frequencies analysis with Wend's case Data Base, Malaria 2010 If we see Chart 5. And compare this results with the estimated market share (see Appendix B), we find that the results are very close. The only one that is changed is the relative position of Wend's and Burger King, but it is not significant because they are very close in the market share analysis occupying practically both of them he third place.

Then we can say that the Hypothesis is correct; the relative position in system wide sales of the restaurants is very close to the frequency of use from the customers.Component 2: Is the restaurant consumers' visits movement in the last year (more or less often) related with health concerns? The hypothesis here is that health concerns are affecting the variation of the visits to the restaurants, and then will use Hypothesis Testing, with the null hypothesis that health concerns don 't affect the variability of the visits to the restaurants in the last year. 2 To analyze this hypothesis we will use first the Cross Tabulation technique.The independent variables will be health concerns (quo_1, quo_2, quo_3, quo_4, quo_5, quo_6 and quo_7) and the dependent ones will be the more or less often customers visit the restaurants (sq_1, sq_7, sq_26, sq_36 and sq_39). As can see in Table 5.

1, in the case of Arab's and Wend's there is no relation between the more or less often customers visit their restaurants and the 7 Health considerations. In the case of Burger King there is a strong relation of the customers that disagree with health reoccupation's and visiting less their restaurant.