Your marketing strategy must begin with a narrow definition of your perfect client and then communicating your key points of difference from your competitors. Stop trying to be all things to everyone. Concentrate your efforts on a small, niche market and with a focus on becoming the dominant player. (read Strategy Before Tactics.

Always! ) 2) Narrow market focus - Stop trying to be all things to everyone. Focus your marketing strategy and tactics on a small, niche market and become the dominant player. Differentiate ; Find and communicate a hook that allows your prospects to easily see how your firm is different from everyone else in the industry. (read The Form Factor) 4) Marketing materials should educate - No one likes to be sold to. Create information products, websites and other forms of communications that allow your prospects to fully appreciate your expertise.

5) Orchestrate the lead generation trio - A comprehensive business marketing strategy will have a fully functioning lead enervation system in place.A large portion of your leads can originate as referrals, but by adding advertising and public relations to your system, you amplify your efforts in each. When a prospect comes into contact with your advertising message, reads about your new product in a trade Journal, and then gets invited to your educational workshop by their accountant, they've practically sold themselves. 6) Create a total online presence - Since the majority of purchase decisions made today involve some amount of research online, it's simply not enough to have just a website.Today's business must be easily found online, easily engaged, and easy to communicate with.

This requires a major focus on search engine optimization and social media participation. (see How to Create a Total Online Presence) 7) Live by a business marketing calendar - The best way to move your marketing strategy forward Is to create a calendar and schedule marketing activities every single day, week. And month.