Market offerings (products) Goods tangible. Ex: pen, cars, clothes Services -> non-tangible. Ex: education, travel, barber shop Information knowledge Experience (ex: relaxation) * Marketing products nowadays usually a combination of good and services * To market products (promoting), focus on the benefits that the products provide. * produce products that get rid of customer's tension the best Customer value and satisfaction Customer value: Differences between the benefits of owning a product and the cost of obtaining it.
Perceived value: One product doesn't satisfy everybody. People don't see products the same way Customer delivered value = total customer benefit - total customer cost Satisfaction: It is the extent to which a product's perceived performance matches a buyer's expectations. It Is when your needs are satisfied. Humans have unlimited wants. Exchange & relationships Exchange: The act of obtaining a desired object from someone by offering something in return. It involves interaction between buyer and sellers.
It requires communication.Make it as easy as possible for our customers to buy our products. Intermediaries: specialist that help the company deliver the product to the consumer Supply chain management (logistics): the process to supply the customers There are several conditions that are needed to be satisfied. There must be at least 2 parties, each must have something valuable to others, communicate, freedom to accept and reject and desire to deal with other party. Markets Set of all actual and potential buyers off product.
It Is where buyer and seller interacts and exchange.Potential buyers: People that will buy your products repeatedly. Actual market or size: People who exhibit the needs, have resources for exchange and willing for an exchange. Marketing By Equilibration's Services -> non-tangible.
Ex: education, travel, barber shop Information -> knowledge of obtaining it. Perceived value: One product doesn't satisfy everybody. People don't performance matches a buyer's expectations. It is when your needs are satisfied. Set of all actual and potential buyers of a product.