You have been even the task of designing and developing the standard documentation which will be used by Green Heaters Pity Ltd. You must present details of your plans to the board of directors. Prepare a comprehensive report to the board.

Explain what you will do to manage the design and development of business documents. Explain details of the methods and processes you will use to produce high quality documents. Provide details of the types of documents which you will produce and how you will ensure that they will be suitable for requirements.Explain the methods you will use to develop standard documents including templates and across and provide information about any assistance you will need, including details of external sources. Detail the strategies you will use to ensure employees use standard documents productively. Provide information about the proposed organizational policies and procedures which will be implemented to govern the use of standard documents as well as ensure standard documents meet any changing requirements of the organization in the short and long term.

Document Design & Development - Green Heaters Pity Ltd Having recently been charged with the task of designing and developing the business comments of Green Heaters Pity Ltd I would being the process by consulting with the board to determine the organizational requirements so that I could develop a style guide that employees tasked with document production can use to ensure that the organization requirements are continually met. The style guide will incorporate the organizations style including; 1. Templates 2. Writing Style 3. Filenames 4.

Company Logo Use 5. Hyperlinks 6. Headers & Footers 7. Text & Layout 8.

Appearance.As Green Heaters Pity Ltd will continually produce high quality documents to publicist ND market the environmentally friendly heaters I will investigate the types of equipment that can be purchased, this will be either via a contract or outright, depending on the best option, that can produce high quality documents on recycled paper and with the environment in mind. We would use a desktop publishing program to design and create the documents internally. There will be a number of documents that will need to be developed these will include; Letters Faxes Reports Memos Invoices Quotes Orders Statements Catalogues Emails Employment ApplicationsThese documents will need to be developed and tested to ensure that they meet the organizations requirements. I would have the staff that are responsible for using the documents to test the documents and provide feedback on these to ensure that they are suitable.

Whilst a number of documents will be designed and managed as per the style guide there will be numerous documents requiring templates or macros. Therefore due to the number of documents that will be introduced will be templates or have macros for ease of completion.