LORD OF THE FLIES VOCABULARY Synonyms/Antonyms One of the major themes of Lord of the Flies is evil. In the novel, evil involves fear, hatred, and ugliness. The following words, taken from the novel reflect that theme of evil. Each underlined word below is followed by a definition, a synonym, and a page (p.) and line (l.

) number. Read the definition and the synonym, then refer in the novel to the page and line on which the word appears. Read the definition and the synonym, then refer in the novel to the page and line on which the word appears.Read the sentence containing the word in the novel. Then, in the space provided beneath the definition, rewrite the sentence, substituting your own word(s) for the defined word.

Next, In the space to the right of each sentence, write an antonym (word with an opposite meaning) for each underlined word. 1. Enmity: bitter attitude or feelings of an enemy; hostility.(p.

15, l. 16) He trotted through the sand, enduring the sun's malice, crossed the platform and found his scattered clothes. Friendship 2. Intimidated: to be made timid or afraid; threatened (p. 22, l.

12) He was frightened by this uniformed superiority and the offhand authority in Merridew's voice. Assured 3. Oppressive: hard to put up with; overbearing (p. 53, l. 3) The silence of the forest was more troublesome than the heat, and at this hour of the day there was not even the whine of insects. Liberating 4.

Malevolent: wishing evil or harm to others; spiteful (p. 78, l.10) He looked viciously at Jack. Hospitably 5. Derisive: showing contempt or scorn; ridiculing (p. 93, l.

34) The scornful laughter that rose had fear in it and condemnation.Assuring 6. Condemnation: an infliction of penalty; conviction (p. 94, l. 1) The derisive laughter that rose had fear in it and accusation. Pardoning 7.

Daunting: making afraid; discourage (p.132, l. 2) The word was too good, too bitter, too successfully intimidating to be repeated. Encouraging 8. Contemptuously: showing attitude of worthlessness; scornfully (p.

137, l. 12) "Go up and see," said Jack insolently, "and good riddance." Complementary 9.Furtive: done in a sly manner; sneaky (p. 151, l. 16) In the silence, and standing over the dry blood, they looked suddenly elusive.

Evident 10. Obscene: indecent; repulsive (p.152, l. 13) Even the butterflies deserted the open space where the disgusting thing grinned and dripped.

Virtuous 11. Abominable: disgusting, vile; loathsome (p. 168, l. 23) It was crying out against the offensive noise something about a body in the hill.

Desirable 12.Truculent: cruel or savage; ferocious (p. 196, l. 19) Barbarously they squared up each other but kept just out of fighting distance. Tame 13. Menace: threat of harm or evil; danger (p.

199, l. 32) Jack had backed right against the tribe and they were a solid mass of threat that bristled with spears. Safety LORD OF THE FLIES - READING GUIDE QUESTIONS A) SECTION ONE (p. 7 -62) (55 pages) CHAPTER 1 (p. 7 - 34) 1. Describe the setting of the story.

The story is set during World War II sometime in the mid-forties on a tropical island somewhere in the South Pacific. Reference is made to the Atom Bomb and the island is tropical. 2. What Events led to the boys' arrival on the island? The boys arrived on the island when their aircraft was shot down by enemy fighter planes. Piggy says that when he looked out the window during the attack he saw flames coming out of the wing.The boys each had a different school uniform, so they could have been part of a mass evacuation to escape the bomb.

3. Why couldn't Jack kill the pig? Jack says that the piglet escaped when he paused to decide the best place to "stick it" with his knife. The author later states that each boy knew why Jack had not killed the piglet: "because of the enormity of the knife descending and cutting into living flesh; because of the unbearable blood." (p.

34 l. 2) 4. Who emerges as leader of the group? Why? Ralph emerges as the leader of the group, the chief.He was the first to hold a symbol of authority (the conch). He is one of the oldest boys and he brought everybody together when he sounded the conch.

CHAPTER 2 (p. 35 - 51) 5. What power does the conch shell give the person who holds it? The conch shell gives the person who holds it the power to speak, and be listened to without interruption.It also gives the person the ability to summon everyone on the island.

6. How do the boys react to the snake-thing? The little ones believe that there is a snake-thing or beastie in the forest and one of the little ones brings it to the attention of the assembly. The little ones are really afraid of the possible existence of such a thing but the larger boys' try and put their minds at ease by telling them no such thing exists. If it does the hunters plan to track it down and kill it.

7. What does the group decide to do in order to be rescued? The group decides that they will eventually be rescued by a passing ship, but in order to attract the attention of this ship they will have to make a fire on top of the mountain and use the smoke as a signal. 8. How is Piggy indirectly helpful in starting the fire? The boys had no way of starting a fire, until Jack suggested that they use Piggy's glasses as burning glasses.

If Piggy's vision was not so poor or if he was not there.The boys may not have been able to start a fire at all. 9. What important task did Piggy forget to do for Ralph? Piggy was not able to complete the task of collecting everyone's name and counting the number of boys stranded on the island. Since Piggy had not do this one of the little ones was not missed and may have perished in fire.

CHAPTER 3 (p.52 - 62) 10. Which do you think is more important to the boys' survival: hunting for meat or building shelters? Why? Shelter is always more important for survival than food. Even if there wasn't any fruit or seafood on the island, poor weather or a tropical storm could kill the boys long before starvation. 11.

Why was it so difficult for Ralph and Jack to communicate with each other? It is difficult for Ralph and Jack to communicate because their views differ. Jack thinks it is more important for them to have meat than to bother with Ralph's shelters.When the two of them meet in the middle of the day to discuss what they have been doing, each one believes that he has been trying to accomplish something important. While the other one has been wasting time on playing and doing something he likes to do.

B) SECTION TWO (P. 63 - 119) (56 pages) CHAPTER 4 (p. 63 - 82) 12.What is the purpose of the dazzle paint for the boys? What is the dazzle paint symbolic of in the story? The boys use the dazzle paint as a camouflage to keep the pigs from seeing something pink under the trees and running away.

The dazzle paint is symbolic of how the boys are reverting back to a more evil and primitive nature, and how appealing it is right now. When Jack views himself in the coco-nut shell he begins to dance and laugh as his laugh turns into a bloodthirsty snarling, the mask of paint becomes a thing on its own. 13. Why did the ship fail to see the boys? The ship failed to see the boys because there was no signal to see. Jack and his hunters had let the fire go out. There was no one minding the fire, and no one to throw the green leaves on to make the smoke.

14. Why did Jack allow the fire to go out? Jack allowed the fire to go because he needed all his hunters, including the two hunters who were on fire duty. To complete the circle and surround the pig to kill it. CHAPTER 5 (p.

83 - 103) 15. Why does Percival Wemys Madison cry all the time? Percival Wemys Madison cries all the time because he is afraid.He is afraid of the beast, he is afraid of not getting rescued, he is afraid of dying. He is lonely and is powerless against his fears.

Living under circumstances in which the incantation of his address was powerless to help him. CHAPTER 6 (p. 104 - 119) 16.What is the "beast" that Samneric sees? The "beast" that Samneric see on top of the mountain, is the corpse of a fighter pilot, being animated by his wind blown parachute. The dim twilight lighting and incredible imagination turns the corpse into a beast with teeth and claws that chases the twins back to the camp. 17.

Why do the boys clamour, "Kill the pig. Cut her throat.Bash her in!"? Why is this chanting significant? The chanting is significant to the boys because it helps to motivate them to get them in the hunting spirit. The author is using the chant to develop his theme, that man is savage at heart, always ultimately reverting back to an evil and primitive nature. This chant is part of that primitive nature to hunt and kill for survival.

18. Is there really a beast? How do you know? There is no beast, except for the one in the heads of the boys. The beast is nothing more than the creation of many powerful imaginations and co-incidences. The manifestation of various fears the boys are trying to explain, their fear of being left on the island for the rest of their lives.Almost as if they were eaten up by the island never to return home.

19. Does Jack really want to be rescued? Why or why not? The author is trying to show that the least logical of us will return to this more evil and primitive state faster than those of us who are more logical. Piggy and Ralph are still using logic to keep them alive, building shelters and keeping signal fires. Jack still wants to be rescued deep down, but has already returned to more primitive survival methods, he only cares about meat and has forgotten the importance of the signal fire.C) SECTION THREE (p. 120 - 170) (50 pages) CHAPTER 7 (p.

120 - 136) 20. Why does Ralph daydream about home? What exactly does he miss? Ralph daydreams about home because he misses the familiar, where "Everything was all right; everything was good-humored and friendly." (p. 124 l.

12) He is homesick and lonely. 21. What game do the boys play after spearing the wild boar? The boys play hunt, a reenactment of a successful kill. They use their chant to get themselves motivated and act out the different parts of the hunt.

Robert pretended to be the boar and Jack pretended to kill him.The authors theme is strongly represented here, as the boys act out their primitive desire to hunt and kill for survival. 22. Do all the boys believe they have seen a beast near the pink granite? All the boys who saw the corpse on the mountain believe they have seen a beast between the two rocks where there should have been a gap. CHAPTER 8 (p. 137 - 159) 23.

Why does Jack form his own group? Jack forms his own group because he doesn't like the Ralph's ideas. He thinks Ralph is giving up, and that Ralph thinks to much like Piggy. Jack seems to lead the rest of the group in decent into more primitive thinking. He is also selfish, he is happiest when he is in charge and doesn't like to share the responsibility with anyone else.

24. What does Jack call his group? Why is this an appropriate name? Jack calls his group the savages, this is an appropriate name because it reflects their mentality.25. How do the boys kill the sow? The boys kill the sow by spearing it, tracking it by the blood. Spearing it again, and finally when they catch up with it. Stabbing repeatedly with their spears until it is dead.

26. How is the killing of the sow like an initiation? Killing the sow is like an initiation into Jack's group because it is the first time they have hunted as Jack's group, and even on their very first outing they were successful.27. Why is the stick sharpened at both ends? The stick was sharpened at both ends so one end could easily be plunged into the earth and the other into the sow's severed head.

28. What is the Lord of the Flies? What does it symbolize? The Lord of the Flies is the Pig's head on a stick, left by the savages as a gift to the beast. It symbolizes the primitive and savage state that have claimed the boys, the evil that is slowly growing and the false idol they have come to worship (the beast) with the gift of the head of the sow.29. Why does Simon think the Lord of the Flies is speaking to him? Simon may be going a little crazy from lack of water and his stay in the woods during the afternoon.

He is using the head, to sort out his thoughts. He knows the business with the savages and the head is bad, but he doesn't know if he should do something (as shy as he is) or just ignore it and go back to camp (like the head suggests). 30.Is Simon really "batty"? How does the reader know this? No clear explanation is given for Simon being in this strange part of the woods.

He continued to stay there even though he was getting very thirsty. He seems to be getting delirious and having trouble organizing his thoughts. He is compelled to look at the Lord of the Flies even though he resists it. Simon may be going "batty" but he seems to draw a higher understanding from it.CHAPTER 9 (p. 160 - 170) 31.

What does Simon discover about the beast? Simon discovered that the beast on top of the mountain was the body of a fighter pilot animated by his parachute, that there is no beast. 32. What is Simon trying to do when the boys attack him? Why? Simon was trying to tell them that the beast didn't exist, that there was a body on top of the mountain and that they didn't have to be afraid anymore.33. Why do the boys kill Simon? The boys killed Simon because they believe he is the beast, he came crawling out of the forest yelling something that they didn't understand.

The boys were afraid and riled up from their dance so they stabbed first and asked questions later. 34. Did the boys know what they were doing when they killed Simon? Explain.The boys, at the very least most of them, did not know what they were doing when they killed Simon. They were afraid and excited from their dance so they stabbed first and asked questions later.

D) SECTION FOUR (p.171 - 223) (52 pages) CHAPTER 10 (p. 171 - 186) 35. Who is left in Ralph's group? Ralph has very few boys left in his group.Several littluns, Piggy and Sam n' Eric. 36.

What does Jack build in order to keep trespassers away? Jack and his savages live at the Castle Rock, to which there is only one entrance. When a person comes to the bottom of the Rock he is challenge by a guard bef ...