You work as a fiscal adviser at Zairul Property Development Sdn.

Bhd. , located in Kuala Lumpur. They have many profitable clients. One of the client has request them to construct a shopping composite which has appraisal value for RM10 million.You have been asked by your manager to fix the proposal that provide information of fiscal beginnings. It is of import for them to cognize the potency of raising a big sum of money in order to guarantee that they are able to bear the cost of building.

You are required to reply all the undermentioned undertakings.

Undertaking 1 ( LOC1: AC1 )Nowadays, there are so many fiscal installations that can be utilised to finance the building activity. Identify and explicate six beginnings of finance that are available for Zairul Property Development Sdn. Bhd.Undertaking 2 ( LOC1: AC2 & A ; AC3 )Choice two appropriate beginnings for Zairul Property Development Sdn. Bhd.

to finance their undertaking. Measure the advantages and disadvantages of each selected fiscal beginnings.Undertaking 3 ( LOC2: AC2 )Explain the importance of pull offing fiscal planning for Zairul Property Development Sdn. Bhd. in order to minimise their fiscal cost.Undertaking 4 ( LOC2: AC3 )Zairul Property Development Sdn.

Bhd. has assorted types of stakeholders. Describe the information demands by three types of stakeholders in order to help them in determination devising.Undertaking 5 ( LOC2: AC4 )Fiscal statements provide the position of fiscal public presentation of Zairul Property Development Sdn. Bhd. Describe three impact of finance on the fiscal statements.


Students who fail to subject their work on clip or neglect to derive a base on balls class will be given a referral class.

Scaling Standards

ClassFormPre-NecessityEvidence to run into demands.
To obtain a Base on ballsMeet all the demands defined in the appraisal standardsA· Able to carry through or finish undertaking right.A· Able to place and explicate six beginnings of finance that available to a concern.

A· Able to choose two appropriate fiscal beginnings for Zairul Property Development Sdn. Bhd. to finance their concern undertaking with several advantages and disadvantages.A· Able to explicate the importance of fiscal planning.

A· Able to depict the information demands by three types of stakeholders in order to help them in determination devising.A· Able to depict three impact of finance on the fiscal statements.

To obtain a MeritM2: Select/design and use appropriate methods/TechniquesBase on ballsA· Able to choose and explicate four appropriate fiscal beginnings for Zairul Property Development Sdn. Bhd.

to finance their concern undertaking with several advantages and disadvantages.

To obtain a DifferentiationD2: Take duty for pull offing and forming activitiesD3: Demonstrate convergent/lateral/ originative thoughtMeritA· Able to form and construe right the illustration of fiscal flow activities. ( D2 )A· Able to measure the intent of information demands by three types of stakeholders. ( D3 )


Based on the undertakings given, this assignment should be presented in a study and has to supply charts and computations.


1. Dyson, J.R. ( 2000 ) . Accounting for Non-accounting Students ( 6th ed. ) , Pitman Publishing.

2. Lawrence J. G. ( 2003 ) . Principles of Managerial Finance ( 10th ed.

) , Addison Wesley.3. Wood F. & A ; Sangster A. ( 2002 ) . Business Accounting ( 9th ed.

) , Prentice Hall..


Below is the common accomplishment to be assessed in this peculiar assignment. A common accomplishment assessment sheet foregrounding the common accomplishments being assessed in the assignment should be attached with thebrief.
NoCommon SkillsClassEvidence to Meet demand

Apply numerical accomplishments and techniquesBase on ballsUse of graduated tables to bring forth elaborate drawings.
MeritUse of graduated tables to bring forth elaborate drawings. Appropriate computations used in proficient determinations.
DifferentiationsUse of graduated tables to bring forth elaborate drawings. Appropriate computations used in proficient determinations. Preparation of budget for the cost of plants.

Submission Date:

28 APRIL 2008