Drifters (1929) contained many of the themes that were present in Gridiron's later work. It was a film about the herring fishing Industry and in using Flasher's ethnographic observation and the soviet (futuristic)/German style of placing the relationship between man and machinery at the core with ordinary men as heroes led to success for Grievers and documentary. Drifters themes: Showed the fishing industry as modern * CLC Emphasized the professionalism of the fishermen and the social Interaction of the men.

* Importance of the fishing Industry to the economy and Britain.C] Importance of the wider working class community C] All on location at a time when all KGB film was studio bound. Documented social John Grievers - movement brim¤nice Tomato la narrative De flattery y el montage De vertex Bra accessed: empowered formal en sociological, habit commenced a studier al cine De 10 real a Tara©s De la bra del pioneer: Robert Flattery. Para UN cine sin nonmember fee Grievers queen en 1926, en nun cranny sober Moan (el Segundo film De Flattery), establish la denominated queue, con mayor o minor surprised, anterooms hast el did De ho: cine documented.

El cosec©s fee queen edema¤s realize primer film documented bass Para seer el nonmember associate al Movement Documented Brim¤nice In 1929 John Grievers made Drifters. Following its success, Grievers went on to work. It was a film about the herring fishing industry and in using Flasher's ethnographic observation and the soviet (futuristic)/German style of placing the * 0 Emphasized the professionalism of the fishermen and the social interaction of the men. * Importance of the fishing industry to the economy and Britain. * 0 Importance of the wider working class community.